Heil mein Führer - German Leadership | Gallery

Heil mein Führer

Heil mein Führer

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-leadership/30566/heil-mein-fuhrer

Friendly; great story on your school days. Look up William Patrick Hitler on the web for info on Adolf’s nephew by half-brother Alois. His offspring live somewhere in the USA today. Maybe,… your dentist is one!!!

I was watching a special on the History Channel. Hitler had family who relocated to New York before the war started. One volunteered to help the US Government with translations. Since then they have done all they can to be forgotten and lost in America. We live in Pennsylvania, there were more Germans who settled here then anywhere else in the colonies. Our town had 8 German newspapers and on 2 English language papers. My parent both came from German roots and my last name starts with HEIL. All through school I got the HEIL thing from people kidding and the salute. I was at my dentist last month, I did not see the name or hear it until the man left the office. His last name was Hitler, I wondered why he had them pronounce it Highler when it was in fact spelled Hitler. I was sorry I did not find this out until he was gone. It would have been interesting to know if he was kidded as well as a youngster.