Heinz Knoke : "I flew for the Führer"

Here the links to the movie I made of Heinz Knoke : “I Flew for the Führer”

In this movie you can experience the 3 ways of how the Luftwaffe attacked the US bomber formations: guns, bombing and rockets.:slight_smile:

Part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRWPsf9-y3I

Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9DplgzkrCo

Some screenshots of the movie:

Thank you so much for posting it , it’s a piece of excellence for a film made by non proffessional , a Great job !

Interesting work, cant say I am fascinated, but is very good indeed.

There’s a thread in the archives concerning the correspondent book of Heinz Knoke: http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1985

Very interesting videos illustrating various methods of attack on bomber formations.

Here is a link concerning the engagement with the fighter escort of P-47s of the 56th FG where Knoke shot down a Thunderbolt flown by 1st Lt Harry Dugas who was killed. During the engagement Knoke was in turn shot down by a P-47 of the 56th FG. It would be interesting to know who shot down Knoke that day.


Good detail! thanks:)

Interesting info on the tactics employed if nothing else.


Thanx for the post. I found the clips to be very personal and showed a totally different point of view…good work!