Hello I'm New Guys - Also A Question

Hi guys I’m new, nice meeting you all :slight_smile: This forum is the most well organized WWII forum I’ve yet seen, and the memebrs here too all seem so intelligent !! Really appreciate reading your posts guys, thanks for the enlightenment ! :slight_smile:

LoL… Forgot to post my question…

Do you guys know where I can go to sell some of my WWI and WWII collection ? I have a few firearms from both era and I’m trying to sell (to buy others haha). I have both live and deactivated weaponary from the period. I’ll post some pics soon :slight_smile:

I’ll be interested. what do you have?

Welcome mate.
You can sell/trade some WWII stuff here:

Tsolias thanks for the welcome, and the link !! :slight_smile:

Hosenfield, do you want to leave me an e-mail address so I can send some pics to you ? I have a WWI Mauser Gewehr 98, WWI Steyr M95 Long Branch Rifle, WWII deactivated Inglis Bren MkII (with DP marked), and a deactivated WWII MG-34. If you want I can send you pics for all these, or can you wait for a day or two for me to upload them here ? :slight_smile: Thanks for your interest :slight_smile:

including asking price

Hey Siberian Rifleman if you dont know how to post pictures on the forums go here— www.imageshack.us , its free and all you do is upload your picture and then a screen will come up giving you all different links for the picture, highlight the hotlink for forum link (1) and then go to a forum click on “post reply” as you normally do and click on “Img” which should come up like this and then submit.

here ill post a random picture to show you how its done:…


Thanks Commando Jordovski, I needed the instructions :slight_smile:

Hosenfield, do you mind I send you some pics tomorrow ? Because it’s 1:00 AM here now and I’m really sleepy, haha… I’ll send you pics and post them here too tomorrow :slight_smile:

I suggest to use Direct link to image instead of hotlink for forum link (1) between the [Img] tags.

No problem Siberian rifleman :wink:
Yeah i use directlink as well dani, but i just wanted to get him familiar with the system first then he can figure it out. :smiley:

Siberian rifleman welcome on site. :wink:

Thanks guys :slight_smile: I’ll try to post some pics now… Wish me luck :stuck_out_tongue:

Here are some pics of my Bren:

Forgot to add some description… This is an Inglis Bren MkII LMG, made in 1944. It cocks and clicks, mechanism all work well. The magazine can be removed and inserted into place. Notice on the last pic there’s the DP sign. It means that it actually served in the war (WWII), and is now used as a Display Piece. I bought it as a DEWAT (deactivated war trophy) but upon close inspection I notice that it can very much be altered and be made to fire again !! I sent a few pics to some individuals and one of them best put it:

“A DP marked firearm is not a dewat - but a fully functional firearm with usually the firing pin shortened to prevent discharging ammo. Sometimes they are out of spec, well used, well worn - but sometimes they are pulled off the assembly line and then marked.”

“The look of your Bren is quite clear that no damage was done to the gun itself, thus one can presume that the scenario might be that the owner of the Bren was killed in the war, thus the piece was turned into a DP.”

Well that’s the Bren :slight_smile: I’ll snap a few pics of the rifles I got now, and post them tonight :slight_smile:

Now here’s my WWI Austro-Hungarian Steyr Mannlicher M95 Long Rifle. It’s functional and shoots extremely well. Made during the Great War. The rifle is in VG-Excellent condition, please look at the pics :slight_smile: No rust and the wood does not have scratch or dings. Didn’t know how it was preserved so well :slight_smile: Please look at the pics below:

P.S. Sorry guys my friend borrowed my digital camera so a minute ago I snaped a few pics from my webcam, haha… Sorry for the bad quality pics :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, mate, but DP stands for Drill Purpous.

It’s normally a weapon that is unsafe to fire any more, but is used for practicing handling and manipulating, thus freeing up working weapons for live-fire practice and indeed war.

I’ll second what MoS says, if you try and convert the Bren to fire you are playing with your life, do not attempt it. DP weapons are not safe they are made DP for a good reason.

Well it seemed you figured out how to post pictures Siberian Rifleman well done mate— you got some some really amazing pictures of your weapons aswell.
Are they workable ?

Hello Man of Stoat and Fuchs66, thanks for the explanation :slight_smile: Hmm I think you guys are right, I’ll confirm with the people who gave me this information.

Jordovski, thanks for telling to how to upload pics :slight_smile: The WWI Steyr M95 Long Rifle is in very good firing condition, the Bren MkII, as stated by Stoat and Fuchs, is not :frowning:

Fuchs and myself are right:

Skennerton, The Lee Enfield Story, ISBN 949749 15 X, p.480:

D.P. Drill Purpose