
Hello everyone my name is Nick Parsens i am veteran of World War 2 i was in F coy. 101st screaming eagles i have been reading some of the posts here and thought this looks like a very intresting place this is my first computer hehe well i do have combat experience i jumped on dday and fought through until holland where i was hit by a german mg42 in the leg 5 times and thats where my carreer ended until i recooperated and enlisted with the marines as a radio operator in the pacific just thought i would say hello and say that i plan on being here for a while more

Sorry buddy, I don’t buy it. What was your MOS?

airborne infantry i was a B.A.R gunner

101st was a pretty big wasnt it? I mean everything wasnt called the 101st.
Was this what the 101 was composed of?

502d Parachute Infantry

506th Parachute Infantry

327th Glider Infantry

401st Glider Infantry
101st Parachute Maintenance Battalion

326th Airborne Engineer Battalion

326th Airborne Medical Company

81st Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion

101st Airborne Division Artillery

321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion

377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion

463d Parachute Field Artillery Battalion

907th Glider Field Artillery Battalion

801st Ordnance Company

426th Quartermaster Company

101st Signal Company

Military Police Platoon

Headquarters Company

Reconnaissance Platoon


I just typed this from a book I have on D-Day, unless it is wrong, I dont know anything about the American airborne.

Yes, welcome to the site, but really I, we need to be convinced that you are really a WW2 vet.

Well how would i go about doing that i mean who is that demented to inpersonate a veteran how do i make you believe i mean i was wounded for my country and people arnt going to believe me i almost lost my leg and was severly burnt in the pacific what else do you want

Well, spelling is one thing.

F Coy, 101 Div?
Wouldn’t there be a rather large number of F Coys in a Div? Or is it a British Army thing to assemble Coys into Btns into Bdes into Divs?

It sounds like me claiming to be from 3 Section, the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment. Possibly true, but I might want to include such details as Pln, Coy and maybe even Btn.
(For the benefit of Walt Hunters, I’m not actually claiming this).

Anyhoo, I was surprised at the level of literacy you have achieved during your time on this earth. It’s consistent with various teenagers so I assume you musts be a 1337 soldier.

Sadly, there are a hell of a lot of people out there who do exactly that, particularly on the internet. This sadly leads to people such as yourself who (quite possibly accurately) say they are war veterans getting a somewhat sceptical if not hostile response. Such is the internet.

Legal action is being considered against a pensioner who passed himself off as recipient of the Victoria Cross at a Remembrance Day service.
He wore a Royal Navy beret, an officer’s badge, a fake VC and other medals at a Royal British Legion service at Fakenham, Norfolk.
A special constable at the event shook his hand, assuming the man to be Lt Cdr Ian Fraser, the Royal Navy’s only surviving VC recipient from the Second World War.
Afterwards the constable wanted to confirm that the man had been Mr Fraser.
He tracked down Mr Fraser’s daughter-in-law, who said that he had been 210 miles away at his home on Merseyside at the time. British Legion officials in Fakenham suspect that the pensioner has passed himself off as a VC holder several times.
Adrian Allenby, the Norfolk field officer for the legion, said: "We have received a complaint. We hope to avoid going to the police but the complainant has said if we don’t deal with this they will seek a criminal prosecution.
“We know who this person is and hope the matter can be resolved. It is fraud for anyone to wear a medal to which they are not entitled.”
Mr Fraser, 84, said: “It is dreadful.” He won his VC for a mission in a miniature submarine to sink a Japanese cruiser off Singapore in 1945.
Norfolk police said: “It is possible to prosecute someone for making false representations.”


Its quite simple really.

You name the actual units that you served in and then some of the guys that you served with.

If you were indeed in the Pacific, then maybe vvs-ww2 can ask you a few questions as he is a real WW2 Vet.

Man you guys are going to feel like assholes if he is a real vet! :lol:

Well as serving miltary you get the feel for statements. I’m sure I wont feel like an asshole if he is real, I will apologise for doubting him and ask him about the war.

F company , 2nd battalion , 502 parachute infantry regiment

I know I would!

was severly burnt in the pacific

Did the 502 serve in the pacific? This is a question I don’t know the answer too! We are not meaning any offence or anything we just want to be sure, welcome to forum!

No i was with the 502 when i was in holland and injured i was out of the service for about 6 months and rejoined as a radio operator

F company , 2nd battalion , 502 parachute infantry regiment

you know anyone can go onto google and find a regiment and division and say they where in it

Why the hostile response, dudes?

Why not let him in to our little forum and if he isn’t what he says he is it will soon become apparent. There are enough of us on here that are both serving and knowledgable on the Second World War and are adept at spotting walts and general losers.

Don’t scare someone away by being overtly hostile.

I was thinking the same thing…welcome cpl.

my apoligise welcome to your forums hope you like them