Help Needed! Has Anybody Please Got Any WW2 Aircraft Photos-Malta?

Hello Folks,
I m writing a book about the Air War Over Malta during WW2 but am struggling for photos, can anybody please help with any 300dpi scanned copies which I could please use? Im especially struggling for Luftwaffe types such as the Me109E and F, Me110, Ju87 and Ju88 and Italian Types such as the SM84, SM89, Macchi C200 and C202, Fiat BR.20, Fiat CR.42 and the Reggiani R2000 series!
If anybody could please help in any way I would be immensely grateful,
All the very best wishes
Tony O

Ive got an old paper back printed by the admiralty called east of malta west of suez, its like a boys own 1941 comic book of the war so far printed im guessing in 1941-42 theres not many pics of malta itself but theres plenty of italian aircraft and ships… let me know if ud like me to make a list ?
greetings andy

Hiya Andy,
Thanks for that mate I appreciate you going to the trouble of answering but Ive got the paperback you mean. Sorry for the delay in answering but Ive had some computer trouble!
All the best

no problems :slight_smile: