Help Needed with Piper L4H History

Hello all, first post so be gentle…

I have a Piper L4H that I am rebuilding to flying condition and am trying to research its wartime history to make its restoration as authentic as possible. However I am stuck on a few issues and need some help!!!

Its records show that it Piper L4H Cub s/n 11883 rolled off the production line at Lock Haven on the 13th May 1944, was assigned the USAAF serial 44-79587, and made its way to Norfolk VA. It departed Norfolk on the 8th June 1944 destined for BLOT. BLOT I understand to be the codename for French Morocco and when it reached there it was assigned to NAF. NAF I have no idea as to what that means - any ideas? I know that the 5th and 7th US Armies used L4Hs as Liason and Artillery spotters however, if anyone has particular info regarding their use in French Morocco and later through Sicily and Italy, I’d love to talk to you.

I realise that 5th and 7th Army cubs were devoid of serials on their tails, instead using a two letter code on the fuselage side, however if anyone has any pictures of these cubs, please get in touch also.

So in summary:

US codeword NAF?
5th + 7th Army historians?
Cub pictures?
Piper L4H 44-79587 referance material

Any info on any of the above would be most useful, plus if anyone out there has any cub parts they wish to dispose of, please get in touch.



Hopefully someone will chime in and help you, but I wanted to say good luck with restoring the Piper Cub! I plan to do the same in the coming months…can’t wait. Please keep us informed of your progress.

am guessing for NAF,National American Force,but i have know idea that was a big guess.I hope that helped you and good luck with your piper

I’ve not heard of the National American Force, but i will look it up. If however you are refering to the North West African Air Forces used in the Sicily Campaign, the AFHSO research department at the Pentagon have already told me that assignments to them stopped after the fall of Sicily in August 1943. My Cub would not have arrived for at least another year by which time the 7th US and British Armies were on the push up north from Rome and the 5th US Army had begun landings in southern France. It has been suggested elsewhere that NAF stands for Navel Air Facility and i know that the landings in Southern France were conducted from LST ships, the trials of which had taken place in Italy at the end of July 1944. I have photos, but doubt that mine is amongst them as to leave Norfolk VA on 8th June and get to Italy via French Morocco (assuming it had been re-assigned) by july 31st is pushing it a bit!

Somehow - and as yet I’ve no idea how, this cub ended up unloved in the roof of a hangar in france from where it was rescued in 1980. Facts are facts - if it did indeed go to Morocco, and ended up in France - it must have had an eventful life. Someone must have some documents somewhere.