
I now this a little off topic… But I am writing a book for a class project and wanted some expert opions…

I was asked to write a Zombie survival guide and I am at the weapon stage of the book. Which it the begaining of the book. I have done resourch and do not have the information that I need, and I know you all could help me…

thank you…

One can never go wrong with a grenade launcher,dont forget to include the canister round, as it is best against even stubborn Zombies. Whether the M-79, or the version mounted to an M-16, or even (and better) the full auto launcher used on Humvees, and other such IFV’s It’ll be a Thriller…

Ha-ha! Hey FTG, you beat me to it!:smiley:

How about this:

Let’s see…
Maybe for a ranged weapon, use a 12 gauge pump action shotgun with buckshot. Should be able to take off some heads with that and maybe have some knockdowns if there’s more than one coming toward you.
Maybe for a melee weapon, use a nice sword that’s not too heavy or a metal baseball bat.
Of course, if it’s the fast moving zombies that are being portrayed in movies lately, I might suggest prayer!:mrgreen:

Most sufficient thing I’ve seen so far was the lawnmower in Braindead.:shock:

Thanks guys… but to help with your ideas, the first book writin by Max Brooks he writes that a shotgun can do damage but is to heavy for a long distance travel. And that people how use auto- rifles like the m16 or Ak-47 are not good to choice when attacked by zombies, that they will let all of the rounds out of the rifle and die before they could reload… He says that boilt actions and lever actions would be a better idea. and that submachine guns and heavy machine guns are bad for anyone how are on the run…

He also states that .45ACP and .40Smith & Wesson rounds are not a good idea for a zombie attack. He says that 9x19mm is the only one that is good, Ans I say that the .45 is better for the stopping power weight and speed. And I say the M16 or Ak-47 would be a fine weapon for such an attack…

And that people who are in groups of 5 or more will die faster then a group of 4 or less, I think if well armed and trained they can live for a long period of time…
What do you guys think…

Sorry to rain on the parade of those offering help in this thread, but a better essay (assuming anyone knows what an essay is any more) topic would be:

“How does society survive an education system run by zombies who set such idiotic topics, and what will it take to rid the education system of such zombies?”

Well it is just for a project and It is for fun so can I please have these ideas… and to let more post on this topic…

Your topic would be much more appealing to me RS but I figure as long and someone is asking for help I’ll throw my two cents worth in.

A shotgun is no heavier than a typical assault rifle or even bolt action rifle unless he is talking about a full auto shotgun like the SPAS-12 or something. The only deficiency with a shotgun would be the bulky ammo, slow reloading time, and relatively short range however those are offset by an increased hit probability and tremendous close range stopping power.

An assault rifle would be fine in trained hands but someone that didn’t know what they were doing would chew through ammo pretty quickly on full auto but most assault rifles also have a semi auto capability. The reloading time wouldn’t be a hindrance because they reload easily; the limiting factor would be the amount of ammo a person could carry.

I certainly wouldn’t agree there. A bolt action may be fine if you’re sniping at long range but in close quarters the very low rate of fire along with the slow reloading time would doom someone rather quickly.

A submachine gun would be great for someone on the run. The light weight of the weapon coupled with the pistol ammo would allow someone to carry a large amount of ammo without being weighed down. The only down side would be the short range of the weapon. A heavy machine gun would indeed be hindered by its weight and limited amount of ammo that could be carried.

The only advantage a 9x19mm would have over a .45ACP or a .40 Cal would be the fact that it is a smaller round so more 9mm ammo can be carried of the same weight as fewer rounds of larger ammo but it sacrifices stopping power for than advantage. I guess if you’re talking about the zombies normally portrayed that can be stopped with any head shot but not by a body shot a 9mm would be fine because stopping power isn’t a factor, only bullet placement is. In that situation I would just as soon carry a .22 LR pistol though because one person could carry thousands of rounds of .22 cal ammo easily.

A M16/.45 or AK47/.45 would be a very good set up but I would prefer to have a Kriss Super V .45 SMG/1911 or an MP5/Springfield XDM9 set up because those leave only one type of ammo to be carried and I wouldn’t be concerned with the lack of range because any firearm gives a person a longer range than a zombie. Navyson had a pretty good idea with an edged weapon too.

More people=More firepower
More Firepower=better chance at survival

Guys, remember you kill Zombies by “removing the head or destroying the brain”.

So you want something that can destroy heads/brains, preferably at a distance. Big rifle rounds (preferably hollowpoints) and underslung grenade launchers sound good to me.

Another option: why kill them in the first place? Better train them to do farm or plantation work. This was done in the Carribean for centuries with good success and no one was ever attacked by these hard working zombies.

For shotguns, the Ithica Mag. 10 “Roadblocker” 10ga. mag. would do well, a heavy semi-auto,should do in the most zealous and hungry Zomies. Remington bought the rights to the Mag10, and offer it as the SP-10. Buy several.Also, tho I dont know if they are available in 10 ga. Flechette rounds for shotguns have been available, and being hardened, they will shred any number of Zombie heads before loosing energy.
And we have dealt with out local zombie problems, we have them working in Congress, Social security, and the Post office. (they get along well with the aliens)

The US Army scientists tried that and it didn’t work out too well. The officers and enlisted were too racist against zombies:

Thanks guys.Now on to Strong holds.
Max states that Military compounds is the best idea, as do I but, he also says that police stations would offer little to no protection from a attack. He also has the attacks in classes.

Class 1 Small - Around 20-50 Small towns
Class 2 med- Around 50-100 Larger towns and suburbs
Class 3 Large Around 100-1000 Citys and even counties.
Class 4 World wide.

And he says that class 4 outbreak is a world wide and not even military compounds could survive this stage. That the infected would soon grow to masses and over flow the walls and kill the insides. But I think with good training and supplies they could out last the outbreak and fight off any attack wave,and strength.

Wooo it did it twice, this is odd.

I’d love to see how zombies get over razor wire. Unless it’s literally a mound of bodies, they aren’t going to survive the experience.

In 28 days later, the zombies died off after the 28 days, so one might only need to supply and provision for a month or so and wait them out.

Heya, Semper Fi!

I suppose it depends what you consider canon… fast zombies (a la “28 days”) or slow zombies (“Day of the Dead”).

Fast zombies can’t be adequately fought, too many too fast. Fortunately, their high energy usage means they “burn” themselves out and die (deanimate?) after a fairly short period (28 days?). Best defense would be get somewhere that they can’t and just hunker down. Shopping malls, small islands, and frozen north would be good places to wait out the zombie hordes.

Slow zombies are different… canon is “destroy the brain stem to destroy the zombie”. Blowing them up or blazing away in full auto only wastes ammo and creates a bigger mess to be cleaned up afterwards! Same hunker down location work here, including, to a lesser extant, anywhere thats very lightly populated (American Southwest).

As to weapons… I’d think you’ve got the odds definately against you trying to stand up fight fast zombies. Weaponry should be of the “put down” variety and necessarily of last ditch defensive nature. Hard hitting firearms like .45 autos and 12 gauge pumps and maybe a close in melee weapon like a rigid mace or even machete.

Fighting slow zombies would be doable, depending on location: good defensible hold positions in areas of low / light zombie infestation. It’d be foolish to try and fight zombies somewhere like in a dense city enviroment: too many potential attack directions and too high a density of zombies (urban: lots of people = lots of zombies).

Weapon wise, I’d pack a “man stopper” for back up: M1911 type in .45, melee weapon like rigid mace, possibly even a shorty shotgun, either pump or coach type. Standard weaponry would be something with good capacity in .22 long rifle like a Ruger 10/22 with a high capacity magazine, this would cover the 10 - 33 meter distance. 33 to 150 meters I’d go with something like a M16 with a decent optic on it. Longer range “culling” or “sentry” use I’d go with either a scoped bolt action in hunting caliber or a scoped M14 / M21, even a M1 Garand.

Automatic fire, explosive devices, flame weapons, etc, would prove to be detrimental: large expenditure of ammo, lack of “hard kill”, and potential damage brought to your fighting position. Automatic fire is inherently inaccurate… where blasting away pieces of it with full auto may slow it down a single well placed shot to the brain stem / head of a zombie will destroy it. Explosives don’t “guarentee” that shot to the brain, could possibly only cause “mobility” kills, but an immobile zombie is still a zombie, and dangerous to follow-up / clean-up operations. Flame weapons would only be of use during clean-up operations. A flaming zombie would take several minutes of burning to be neutralized, in the mean time, its stumbling about setting everything it bumps into on fire.

Sorry for the long post, but I’ve put more than a little thought to this as a “mental exercise”! Hope this helps!

Proud son of Rose and Wes