Herman2 - Banned for 2 weeks


The rules of this site are simple and for the majority fairly clearly understood and followed.

However, some amoung us seem to have problems adhering to normal Forum behaviour.

One of these is seemingly Herman2. After repeated infractions, including a previous period away from the boards I have today banned him for 2 weeks.


He was getting alight after he was banned for a week…

He was, for a bit. Then he came out with his “bomb Japan with as many nuclear weapons as possible to kill all the Japanese” rubbish again, so has been given a 2 week ban.

May i ask you Firefly,
What exactly post was he banned for ?
And has he recieved the personal warming before?

He was banned for a post (since deleted) in the “what WW2 unit would you have been in” thread saying that he would have liked to be in a unit of B-29s so he could drop loads of nuclear bombs on Japan to kill as many Japanese as possible.
He has been repeatedly warned and even previously banned for advocating the nuclear Genocide of the Japanese, and this is very much his last chance. If he starts acting like this again, it will be a perma-ban.

OK , god saw , i 've trued to prevent him of irresponsibility.In thread, devoited t new members introdusing.
BTW, “Nuclear Genoside of Japanse” this is something new here, sound greats:)Is it his words or yours?

My interpretation of his words. I’ve quoted his original post (since deleted by Nick) below, with my interpretation following.

This is clearly advocating unlimited nuclear warfare on Japan regardless of the necessity for it and indeed with no allowance for if Japan had surrendered or not (as indeed it did very shortly after the Nagasaki attack).

In conjunction with his previous posts advocating the mass nuclear bombing of Japan with the intent of destroying it as a country, the mod team have taken the view that Herman2 is advocating the mass-extermination of the Japanese people with nuclear weapons. The mass-extermination of a particular ethnic or religious group is generally held to be genocide, and advocating genocide is one of the very few offences which can get you banned from this site.

I wondered when this was going to happen, I knew from the day he started stating the bombing of nagasaki and hiroshima. That is known as racism or he just like big booms and millions of inocent Japanese dieing.

and look a his stated occupation: history teacher…
and the scary thing is that if it is true…imagine the spoiled young Canadian minds…

I think that that’s meant as some sort of sarcastic comment more than anything.

I didn’t know that there was a whole thread devouted to little ol me!
First of all, I didn’t get any warning for the last time I was banned for 2 weeks and I could not have known why, as I honestly did not think I said anything offensive. For the record, I may have originally been a little bit out of tune with my Atomic bomb feelings but I by no means meant to be labelled as a person who believes in genocide. I am truely sorry and apologize to anyone that may have been offended by my intial unwarranted comments. When I commented on which
Unit I would like to serve on; I did say the unit that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. I did not think that is offensive. When I said I would like to drop as many bombs as I could muster, I did not mean I wanted to decimate Japan. What I meant, which I should of clarified, was that if I was ordered by Truman to drop lots of A-bombs then I would have complied with the order and I would have felt special that Truman selected me. I would however feel bad afterwards when learning about the devastation. Anyways in a nutshell, I have learned my lessone from my several bans that I was unfortunately faced with and I really want to make amends. I may not always say the right things and some of you may not appreciate me, but I am trying my best and hope someday some of you could kindly consider me back as a comrad in this fine ww2 web site. If I do get banned forever (which I hope will never happen), then I want to say that I really like RS, Chevan, Walter, mods and all of you that I have had the opportunity to talk to) :neutral:

Ya! no kidding. Did you really think I was a history teacher?. I only put that in there to see when someone would point it out to me. I will delete it from my profile now that you appreciate me. p.s. Over 176 people have visited my profile so far!!. That must mean I am loved:mrgreen:

Just for clarity, you only ever get one formal warning for a particular streak of offending. After that it is temporary and then (possibly) permanent ban. The only exception to this rule is if someone behaves themselves for a year or so and then starts offending again - in that case they will get another warning first.

Oh, and don’t get too worried about bans - both RS* and Chevan have been banned for short periods of time in the past.

Clear with me but RS what for?:frowning:

Look Chevan, the name of this thread is :herman2-banned for 2 weeks…it is not called: RS-banned 2 yrs ago thread
Have some pity on me . I am a lost sheep in the woods looking for comfort from the rain and thunder that bequests me.Although it is comforting to know that you were banned once too! I feel like we are brothers now that I know this. M:shock:aybe I will send you a friendship card…

I don’t quite recall, but I believe it was something to do with him getting in a fight with PK. Picking a fight with a moderator is never a bright idea.

Ya, I know all about it. It was nasty. What a fight. I qhoute as follows from the archives:
Originally Posted by Panzerknacker
The Member Rising sun has been awarded with 3 infraction points.

He insulted the same number of times a Moderator despite public warning a two private messages.
…and to think that all I do is praise the Mods…I even introduced an Appreciation day for Nick and PDF, which I may add, received close to 40 views today!..

Give it a rest Herman, you’re making me feel like I’ve got my own private stalker :wink: