Hermann Göring at Nuremberg - German Leadership | Gallery

Hermann Göring at Nuremberg

Hermann Göring at Nuremberg in 1946. Obviously the Reichsmarschall was not an admirer of the Anglo-Saxon cuisine.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-leadership/28452/hermann-goring-at-nuremberg

Plus, looks like Fat Goring has lost a lot of weight during his ‘guest’ stay with the Allies. Not to mention that this drug addict must have gone ‘Cold Turkey’ during his stay.

Apparently he was a new man after his period in Allied captivity. Not only did he move from the obese category to something like a healthy weight but - as Trap77 says - he had (perforce) undergone a cure for his opiate and other addictions that would be envied by any rehab facility or 12-Step Fellowship. As a result, the sharp, intelligent, cynical Goering who had impressed Hitler in the early days, and who had gradually disappeared behind a codeine/alcohol fog over the preceding 25-odd years, made a pretty quick reappearance. This will, of course, be very encouraging to all recovering or recovered addicts. However, it was not so welcome to the lawyers who prosecuted him and his fellow top-level Nazis (such as were left) at their war crimes trial. One prosecutor recently recalled that he avoided meeting Goering’s eyes in the course of the trial - because, when he did, he was likely to be confronted by a cynical facial expression, or a smile accompanied by a wagging finger in the event of his making a small mistake (as even the best lawyers will, from time to time). Not that this was ever going to make any difference; as Goering himself knew, he was, in the verdict delivered on the hapless defendants in Mel Brooks’ movie, “The Producers”, “incredibly guilty” on the indictments entered. As regards his “recovery”, this may have been due in large part to his “Anglo-Saxon” military diet in this period - low in fat, stodge and (let’s face it) taste, but high in vitamins and essential nutrients. Perhaps addiction rehab facilities should be forcing their clients to eat bully beef, Spam stew and iron ration biscuits while they remain in their care ? I suppose a shot of Naltrexone in the stew might help, also - but that might be controversial … Best regards and thanks, JR.