Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Rogozin - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Rogozin

Soviet tank ace Anatoli Rogozin, his tank was the first to enter the Berlin during the seize of the silesian railway, destroying ten german tanks in the battle.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/soviet-forces/58044/hero-of-the-soviet-union-anatoly-rogozin

Major Rogozin was the commander of 2nd Battalion, 36th Red Banner, Order of Suvorov, Order of Kutuzov Tank Brigade. During the battle for the Silesian train station (now Berlin Ostbahnhof), the battalion destroyed ten tanks, captured four locomotives, 100 railway cars, two warehouses of military supplies and 94 defending soldiers. Battalion losses were one JS-2 tank destroyed, three damaged, four men killed and twelve wounded.