Highly decorated soldiers... - German Forces | Gallery

Highly decorated soldiers...

...of 78th Sturm-Division getting welcomed in their Swabian home, early June 1944 (f. l. t. r.): - the later Leutnant Josef Schreiber, born 1919, who received the Oakleaves as an infantry NCO in 7th Company/Sturm-Regiment 14. Schreiber is listed as MIA near Posen (Poznan) since January 24, 1945. - Hauptmann Josef Liebenwein, born 1916, KC, commander 7th Company/Sturm-Regiment 195. KIA March 21, 1945 in the Czech Republic. - Oberfeldwebel Emil Roßhart, (1919-1990), KC, 2nd Company/Sturm-Regiment 195. The 78th Division was the only division in the German Army that bore the honorary name of a "Sturm-Division", throughout the war the unit bled dry three times but existed until the last day of the war: 78. Infanterie-Division - 78. Sturm-Division - 78. Grenadier- und Volksgrenadier-Division - 78. Volks-Sturmdivision Sitzkrieg-France-Bialistok-Mogilev-Rosslavl-Yelnya-Vyazma-Gshatzk-Moscow-Rusa-Yuchnov-Rshev-Smolensk-Orel-Bryansk-Orsha-Minsk-Galicia-Upper Silesia-Beskids-Sudeten-Moravia

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/43469/highly-decorated-soldiers...

Interesting 'photo. One point brought out by the comment is the pointlessness of trying to name the “best” German ground division of the war, even among the acknowledged élite. Hitler did not acknowledge the standard dilemma of high commanders (Napoleon, for example) as to whether they could afford to commit élite units except in circumstances in which their intervention stood a strong chance of being decisive. Perhaps he did not really have the choice; but the result was that such units were regularly committed to battle to progress or rescue very difficult situations, resulting in repeated heavy casualties and, as you say, being “bled dry” over and over. Even by Autumn, 1943, it is clear that most acknowledged élite divisions were nowhere near their peak capacity; by mid-1945, such units were still often the cream of the German forces, but with hugely reduced capacity. Best regards, JR.