Himmler "murder" documents are fake.

Interesting piece in today’s Torygraph :

Thats pretty bad eh? The Archives would be where the British government stores all important documents? or is it for the public? or both?

Both, to a degree.
As far as I can ascertain, serious students are permitted access.
However, the claims came to light with the pending publication of a new book, in which it’s claimed that British diplomats, including Churchill, conspired in the murder of Himmler, in order to cover up some negotaitions they were said to have been having with Germany, without the knowledge of the US.
Since the faked documents are the only ones to suggest these alleged negotiations, the question arises, who would want to besmirch Chuchill and his Cabinet?
I’d also suggest the author of the book has some questions to answer.
More on the detail here :

This is very interesting stuff, I would be interested in seeing the author questioned. Theres far too much mumbo-jumbo made up about ww2 and the Nazis, the trouble is people are inclined to believe it instead of the truth.

The problem is that
a) many documents are still classified and will probably stay so until our life times are over.
b) many documents, especially German ones got destroyed during the war (bombing raids, looting, destruction by guilty parties to cover up evidence etc.)
c) On the British side e.g. the archive of the SOE conveniently caught fire in summer 1945 and the organisation was disolved by the Attlee cabinet at the end of the year.
