Himmler's bodyguard

Hi everyone,
I hope some of you can help me out with my first new topic!

I am after any information you can provide on a gentleman named Josef ‘Sepp’ Kiermaier, who served as bodyguard to Heinrich Himmler.

He can be seen in photos and newsreels of the time, including the footage of Himmler touring the Russian POW camp, and also during his visit to KZ Auschwitz.

He served in WWI and was decorated with Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class. He joined the NSDAP and the SS and was still serving Himmler until he was captured by the British.

I also understand that he was a detective before he joined the SS.

Any pictures would also be greatly appreciated. I have seen a couple, but I don’t know how to put them up!:oops:

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Kind regards,

On the quick:

I was busy translating the text when my browser collapsed and I’m way too tired at the moment to start over. Good night everybody.

One thing, so it’s safe to say that Kiermayer is the person partially covered by the boy:

Poor kid, what happened to him? Must have been terrible to be surrounded by all those bloodthirsty monsters.


Thanks everyone,
This is going great so far!
Himmler looks like he bears no ill intent toward the boy. I suspect this may be an eastern child deemed worthy of germanisation.
Still, must be very intimidating to be in the presence of the RFSS, assuming he realises who Himmler is.

The photo belongs to a series taken by Walter Frentz (aka “the Führer’s camera man”). It was taken during Himmler’s visit of Poland in August 1941.
Don’t quote me but I remember reading that this boy -as heimwehr danzig assumed- was a Polish orphan who, along with other kids of “Aryan looks”, was taken to Germany. This would at least raise the chances of survival.

Hi heimwehr danzig,
i hope it may be helpful for you… I found another picture of Himmler with Kiermaier on the background. I send herewhit the picture with the original caption. Best regards.

Reichsfhurer SS Heinrich Himmler wipes his brow while examining a building plan with Max Faust (wearing the Fedora), during an inspection tour on the Monowitz-Buna building site. Behind Himmler and to the right, is his bodyguard Josef Kiermaier.

Himmler & Josef Kiermaier.jpg

That, or it’s a photo opportunity and the kid was murdered afterwards. The purpose/existence of the Concentration Camps was hardly widely publicised…

Thanks Skorzeny, that is very helpful. I knew he had been with Himmler in the Auschiwtz area, I didn’t realise it was during the construction at Monowitz.
A photo opportunity and then murdered afterwards??..why pdf27, are you suggesting that ‘honest’ Heinrich, of all people, was capable of such cynicism? Surely Not!! :wink:

Hi heimwehr danzig,
i think i’ve been influenced by this quest, that’s why i’m posting a couple of others pictures of Josef Kiermaier, both with original caption… I hope you may found these pics helpful for your purpose…
Best regards.

Reichsfhurer SS Heinrich Himmler examines the contents of a box during an inspection tour of the Monowitz-Buna building site. Pictured on the far right is Himmler’s bodyguard, SS Hauptsturmfhurer Josef Kiermaier. In the center SS Gruppenfhurer Hanns Johst.

Commandant Frank Ziereis point out something to Heinrich Himmler and other SS Officials, viewing the quarry, during the inspection tour of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Pictured from left to right are: Heinrich Himmler, Frank Ziereis and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. to the right of Kaltenbrunner is Josef Kiermaier.

Himmler Monowitz-buna.jpg


Yes, are you trying to suggest otherwise? If so, you’d better justify it VERY well if you don’t want to go on the Mod’s private list of potential neo-Nazi trolls…

Forgive me sir, I merely sought to lighten the tone. I mean nothing by it.

I think it helps to put a smiley or somesuch after a sarcastic comment. Unless you want people to think otherwise.

Good point, consider it done!