Hiroshima 1945 - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Hiroshima 1945

'My God, what have we done?' - Captain Robert A. Lewis (1917-1983)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/dramatic-photos/44018/hiroshima-1945

Your first comment fell in line with most of your previous contributions this last few years: You show up once every couple of months and puke pointless, flaming “truths” with no facts to back it up, usually against the allied forces, so I’m not reading your mind just making an educated guess of what is to come. Another educated guess is that you like the attention and going against what you see as the “ignorante and complaint mainline of thought” makes you feel all special, I get it and sadly I fell for it yet again, which in truth doesn’t make me much better then you, or at least smarter, what can I say, it’s this mediterrenean temper of mine.
The day you say something positive about me is the day I start to worry about my conduct, until then your opinion of me has the same importance as you… none whatsoever.
Next time you crawl out from your hole and pop up in here I’ll try my best to control my temper and do what most are already doing, I’ll ignore you…Staaaaaaarting… NOW!!! Bye