Hiroyoshi Nishizawa - Japanese Forces | Gallery

Hiroyoshi Nishizawa

Petty Officer Hiroyoshi Nishizawa (1920 - 1944) at Lae, New Guinea, spring or summer 1942. His score is unknown, variously is given as 102, 103, and as high as 150. However, the currently accepted total for him is 87. Nishizawa died 26th October 1944 as a passenger in transport plane Nakajima Ki-49 Helen in the Philippines.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/japanese-forces/18403/hiroyoshi-nishizawa

best jap ace.

the way they conducted themselves, i will give this guy his props, but they were mostly a bunch of savages

Someone ought to take a look at the Index at the left - maybe even try clicking a few, such as "Japanese Forces," and see what happens. And then a public apology would seem to be in order…