History channel SS program

Recently I have been watching a program series on the history channel(on uk satellite) about the SS, called imagineatively ‘SS’ it proposes to give a ‘detailed’ history of the Ss. However I felt it does nothing of the sort, instead it is rather simplistic in fact I would go so far as to say overly so. However, where it does do itself proud is the quality of footage shown. The footage, some of it touched up with colour is first rate and makes up for the otherwise limp script. Has anyone else seen these documentaries and what is their opinion?

I saw it, it’s indeed not very good on dept and details however I would agree it’s got some great footage, also I personly think that the history channel (atleast in Israel) tend to have programs that are overly simplistic and bias to American point of view.

I think they are not too bad, but I agree about the footage. There is quite alot of footage on there I haven’t seen before. I often find myself watching a program on the history channel only to switch to national geographic and see the same footage in a different program!

Heh indeed, and that shows the poor work of investigation done for the TV shows.

For example the Bundesarchive have a lot of film wich had never been released.

I bet that is treasure chest of footage, do they ever plan to release it?

What are the films in Bundesarchive, Panzerknacker? What’s about?

Here is the film section of the Bundesarchiv,


Also you can find a lot of footage in the:


Only need to create an free account and you are ready.

If you work not logged in you will see the videos aniway, only with porr quality.

Yeah. I saw it in a hotel during a holiday. No new information, and simply the old rehashed propaganda. :evil: