Hitler 2005 What if the Nazis had a time travel machine

I do not really give much plausibility to the idea the Nazis had sci-fi technology but for the purpose of posing some interesting questions about the World today and better exploring the personality of Hitler and Nazi ideology let us say the Nazis were trying to develop a spacecraft flying saucer, and as a spacecraft it was a failure but in trying to build a spacecraft they stumbled on a time travel technology that allowed them to go forward in time. It is 1945 and the Third Reich has only weeks left, Hitler and some other Nazis board the time saucer, its time selection computer malfunctions and they lose time selection capability they eventual land in Brazil in Feb 2005 in the Amazon rainforest, whilst sixty years have passed since 1945, they have only spent hours on the time saucer and are only hours older in 2005 than they were in 1945, due to the special relativity effects of the saucer technology. This creates interesting possibilities, to think about what Hitler would make of the modern World, would he try to “have another go” etc. As nobody is looking for Hitler in 2008 and they have a base in the rainforest prepared during World War 2 plus no shortage of money, etc they are in some capability to go on the offensive. As the time travel engine burnt out during the trip, they haven’t got the opportunity to make any more time travel excursions and the scientist who understands the technology was killed during the crash landing of the saucer in Brazil so they haven’t the possibility to build more saucers.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

…so they all die of tropical diseases!

No they have money, contacts, medicine, a ship’s doctor, etc why should they die of tropical diseases?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

OK, so they get arrested and shot by the Brazilian police instead for being illegal immigrants.
The reality is that Hitler only came to power due to specific and not to be repeated circumstances in Germany in the early 1930s. They don’t exist in any significant country today so he would be obscure in the modern world… unless he reveals the secret of time travel, in which case he would be a minor celebrity before people twig to who he is, at which time he would rapidly start spending the rest of his life in Spandau prison!

Hi, they are good points and well made. That said, if one has money and contacts there are other places where folks do not ask too many questions, they could go if Brazil proved too hot for them. If you are suggesting Nazism is tied to a specific place and a specific set of circumstances, I could not agree with that. Whilst some specifics of classical Hitlerian Nazism are place and group specific, the broader ideology of Nazism has much wider appeal and therefor one should something dismiss something as a manifestation of Nazism merely on the basis the people doing it are not Germans, are not dressed in brown uniforms and are not marching under a Swastika flag. To see a film clip of some present day Islamofascist claiming that non-Muslims [ ie Kafirs ] are equivalent to cattle and it is the right of any Muslim to capture any Kafir that is not owned by a another Muslim and use the Kafir as he pleases or take him or her to a market and sell the Kafir or if neither of those two options are practical, just kill the Kafir there and then, I really do not think we are that far off from the Islamofascists making the proposition of re-establishing new Auschwitz extermination camps in Europe as a final solution to Europe’s Kafir problem.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I think you need to cut down on the time travelling it sounds as if it’s hurting you.

If you really want to discuss neo-facisim you ought to open a thread and discus it directly.

Nothin will happen,Technolgy has gone so far since 1940.
There technolgy wont match our modern Technolgy.

…Spandau prison?..really…um, in case you haven’t noticed the Spandau Prison was demolished in 1987 .

I don’t understand that Nick, could U elaborate?

LOL. No, I could have done that but didn’t because I “wanted” to get Hitler in to the present day, to see what he thinks of the present situation.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I think Hitler would read the newspaper and see who he could hook up with to overthrow a country into a dicatorship again. Maybe chile? There are a lot of dictatorship countries in this world that Hitler could have a swing at. In reality, I think he would be stoned to death for that funny looking mustache that nobody wears in this day and age anymore.

What if in some alternate universe, we all had evil twins, Hitler won WWII, and steveynicks14/88 is actually not trolling on the interweb?

LOL…now I get it!

One should allways avoid fighting an enemy in a manner which plays to his strengths, particularly where one is realistically weaker than an enemy. This military concept has been around for thousands of years. In modern military speak it is known as asymmetric warfare.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Yes i see youre point of view and i think he will die of an heart attack
when he sees how far advanced technolghy as gone.

My point wasn’t that deeply unpleasant people with the desire to commit genocide only existed in the 1930s (clearly not true - look at any era in history). Rather, it was that it is very rare for a modern industrialised state with sufficient power to be a close match to any other state you care to mention finds itself in a position that extremist ideologies like Nazism actually seem attractive. I can’t think of any other examples at all offhand.

I’m sure we could rebuild it for one very special inmate :smiley:

No as far as technology is concerned, I think it would been quite chuffed with himself, since much of modern engineering technology is inspired by the Third Reich e.g. take a look at the Boeing 737 the World’s most successful airliner and the Messerschmitt Me-262 co-incidence or what?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I don’t know why they haven’t made a movie about this . imagine Hitler with a time Machine…I think it would be a great movie!

Why would anyone want to go forward in time though? The whole point of this thought excercise usually is, that you could theoretically correct your past mistakes to achieve a desired outcome.