Hitler and the electric chair


I always knew Churchill was slightly off his rocker. :roll:

I would say that Churchill was as mental as Hitler, the only difference was Churchill’s mental ways went into things seen as good e.g. Wanting to destroy Nazis.

I would say that Churchill was as mental as Hitler, the only difference was Churchill’s mental ways went into things seen as good e.g. Wanting to destroy Nazis.[/quote]

The way I see it is that if Churchill were Hitler, he would be hell bent on destroying Britain, the US, Canada, France, and just about every other semi industrialized nation on the globe. :shock:

I grew up in Liverpool a city that was regularly visited by the Luftwaffer and still bares the scars if you know where to look. My mother was bombed out three times and most of my uncles served in either the Army or Navy.
Churchill may have had many flaws but he had no concept of surrender and was willing to pay any price to achieve ultimate victory.
I dont see any problem with plugging Hitler into the national grid, he deserved far worse.
In the same release of declassified information it also mentioned that Churchill was interested in negotiating with Himmler at the end and then sloting him quick smart when the deal was done,again whats the problem he deserved a long slow one.

I would say that Churchill was as mental as Hitler, the only difference was Churchill’s mental ways went into things seen as good e.g. Wanting to destroy Nazis.[/quote]

Hitler was mentally desorder, hungry for destruction and proof your army in europe.
Churchill was looking for alies to defend his country. If the method he use
don’t be conventional, the war running wasn’t too. :arrow:

I don’t think you can blame a man for wanting to electrocute someone who was responsible for bombing and killing 60,000+ of your fellow subjects. If you ask me electricution(i think thats how you speel it) would have been getting off lightly.

PzKpfw VI Tiger wrote

The way I see it is that if Churchill were Hitler, he would be hell bent on destroying Britain, the US, Canada, France, and just about every other semi industrialized nation on the globe.

Are you taking the piss?

Sir Winston Churchill made many tough choices during the war. Yet let’s not forget that they were forced upon him, and he was the one that got the world through the war, and I mean that, the WORLD.

By making descions he knew would leave Britian in debt, or by allowing Bomber Harris to bomb Germany in to dust he knew he might be unpopular yet he made them because they were right. He also entertained the idea of invading EIRE, because so many men were getting killed in the Atlantic and the Irish would not compromise their neutrality to allow vital ports to be used to bring in supplies to Europe. That would include American sailers also.

He was never hellbent on destroying any country he often curtailled operations he thought to be too destructive for the advantage gained. He invented the Commandos also, which were just one way of conducting operations with less collatoral damage (in the modern parlance) and always encouraged non-destructive ways of fighting the war such as Bletchly park, Phantom and other deception plans.

I think when you compare the two like you did above, you deal one a terrible insult.

I think he can blame a man who was responsible of the death of a lot of german soldiers who were in war obligated by their leaders :!:


Would you care to clarify your statement above please?

Do you mean:

a. Churchill was responsible for the death of German soldiers

b. Hitler was responsible for the death of German soldiers

Erwin, I see that you have changed your avatar to the same one Bluffcover uses. Are you pining for him? :smiley:

You are using the same avatar as Canaris used before,also i used before the same as Polar,that means that i fancy polar too?,you are just interpretating as you wish,there is enough bluffcove for you,im not going to steal your property :wink: ,so far as i have seen you are starting to be jaleous,im sorry,Erwin actually has sexual tendencies of a “normal” male,so my preference for women is just natural :smiley: .

1000yds,have you ever been feeling something for a man? :shock:

edited: Apologies to homosexuals who feel ofended by my comments,i have nothing against gays or lesbians,indeed i get hot watching lesbians making dirty things :smiley: ,it’s just a caracteristic of a porteño like me to do a few anti-homosexual comments to maginificate my macho ego pride,etc etc (translated with cuts’ words).

Churchill,he was responsible of the death of german soldiers,hitler was responsible of the allies ones and of the jewish, polish and russian civilians.

I was saying that the germans were obligated to go to the war, not all of them agreed with hitler, everybody thinks they are incarnations of the devil,NOOO,only some,and there must be also bad soldiers in the allies side!.

Interesting point about that; most germans i speak to at university claim their relatives did not fight in the war and objected serving as medics or other non-combat duties. If this is true then every German, bar one whom i know very well, didn’t fight in the war, then who the f**k did? Furthermore when the Nazis started killing the disabled and handicapped there was such a public outcry that the killings were stopped. Why then did the German people never complain about the treatment of the Jews? Sir Fiennes (the artic explorer) expands on this well in his book ‘the secret hunters’

everybody thinks they are incarnations of the devil,NOOO,only some

Well, that may or not be true but what is certain the German people were not obligated to harass the Jews but many did, that generation of Germans have a lot to answer for and many never will. Having said that many Germans (post war) are wonderful people and are good friends of mine.

Yes,nobody wants to be the son of a jews’ killer,but i don’t know if my grandad killed jews or not,of course,im not agree,i don’t know nothing about my grandad in ww2,and im not interested,but the thing i know is that he fought as soldier.

they were obligated to fight,i said ONLY SOME were torturers of jews

german are nice people,but i actually think that the latins are better persons than the germanics (yes,im a germanic,and i think the latin people are nicer and very good persons)

Churchill did not lead the world through WWII alone. Maybe '39 - '41 but once the US stepped into the war, FDR was a key player. He sent the British military hardware and other vital supplies through the North Atlantic. Without those supplies, the British wouldn’t have been able to last in the war for too much longer.

We could argue about this one for years.

Points to note, Britain paid, we still are, for all the hardware, it was not a gift. FDR became a key player, I would say that he, churchill and stalin were all 3 key players. But let’s not get carried away, the yanks only rocked up in 1942, so Churchill got us through those years at the beginning of the war, if we had not managed to keep britain what would have happend?

Not for much longer - we finally pay it off on the 31st of December 2006.
Maybe then we can start paying off our WW1 debts?


When the war started the Brittish Army was a mess. The US goverment was begged to help the Brittish from Churchill to send ammo, feul, destroyers, tanks, planes, food ect, ect.

Much of the debt of WW1 was ingnored by the US goverment when WW2 broke out, but after WW2 the Brittish goverment was in big debt again.

The US did most of the work during WW2 not to say that the UK did not do anything but the US did most of the work.

So yes, thanks to the US the other two allies could fight the Germans, Italiens and the Japenese, but you got to say that the US production was and still is very big.

P.S. Erwin you have mail.
