Hitler, Nazis, UFOs and Antarctica

I’ve been doing some research on this since it has come up in a few different threads.

Some people believe there is a base built under the ice to house up to 2 million people, that number to me seems way too high. Maybe a few thousand sound more realistic to me.

It is thought that towards the end of the Second World War the Nazis moved to Antarctica and that they began to construct a base there. It was to be manned by mostly SS men. As the allies got closer and closer to Berlin, Hitler was moved out to this Artic base.

Nazi flying disk

The location of this base is said to be Lake Vostok. This lake, about the size of Lake Ontario, is about 2km below the surface ice. It contains life forms that are not known anywhere else on the planet and is at a relatively comfortable temperature of between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Not bad considering the surface temperature is about -60 degrees F.

In 1998 NASA and JPL were involved in a scientific operation to drill into and explore Lake Vostok. Their stated objective was to train astronauts for future missions to the frozen moons of Jupiter. It seems that in 1998 the chances of any manned craft getting too Jupiter in the life time of the men being trained was not very likely.

In February, 2001, all drilling and scientific work at Lake Vostok was abruptly ceased. NASA and JPL stated that they were vacating the area and abandoning their research. They just up and walked away from billions of dollars worth of equipment. Why? Because they were concerned about damaging the natural environment. Since when has NASA had a ‘Green’ conscience? However, they didn’t leave the base unattended. As they walked out, the NSA walked in.

Many other strange events happened around the same time. Extraordinary and unprecedented emergency airlifts were made to evacuate ill personnel during the dead of the six-month winter. Scientists discovered massive magnetic anomalies beneath the ice at Lake Vostok. Three of those same scientists died in ‘accidents’ before they could leave Antarctica. Another technician apparently “became insane” and was evacuated to New Zealand. This is after the hitherto lucid, rationally-minded man publicly broadcast news of large UFO’s at McMurdo Base.

What could have caused them to stop? The site I got this information believes that a civilisation from Mars is below there. I would say it’s just as likely this could be the Nazi base that was constructed in the war.

Photo taken over the Antarctic sky

"UFO Over Antarctic:
Stops, Goes, Manoeuvres.

In official public statements, Argentina and Chile have solidly nailed down the existence of UFO color pictures taken at their Antarctic scientific stations. Adding to earlier press stories, the Secretary of the Argentina Navy confirmed these details:

On July 3, 1965, a giant lens-shaped flying object was seen, tracked and photographed at the Argentina scientific base, Deception Island, in the Antarctic. Lt. Daniel Perisse, C.O., confirmed by radio that the large UFO alternately hovered, then accelerated and manoeuvred at tremendous speeds. While being tracked by theodolite and watched through binoculars, the unknown object caused strong interference with variometers used to measure the earth’s magnetic field, and also registered on magnetograph tapes. Color pictures were taken through a theodolite by a member of a visiting group from the Chilean scientific base.

Also confirming these points, the Chilean Minister of Defence at Santiago added new information radioed by Cdr. Mario Janh Barrera, C.O. of the Chilean base: On June 18, a similar UFO had manoeuvred over the area, seen by all personnel. During the July 3 sighting, the strange object had caused strong radio interference, temporarily blocking his attempts to report the UFO to the English and Argentina bases."

It would seem something is going on down there, but what?


I stand up and clap at your research!,good job.

Surely you must be kidding…right?

I’ve just gathered the info and stuck it in one place, its up to you to post your thoughts and ideas.

I’ve just gathered the info and stuck it in one place, its up to you to post your thoughts and ideas.[/quote]

I’m not making fun of you or anything, but can you possibly believe the expense in housing thousands of people in a place like Antartica?? Completely inhospitable land with no food or wood and astronomical costs to bring in supplies. I appreciate your research but i view this as not reasonable or feasable.

but this topic is really good for our curiosity,it’s not if we believe or not,the thing is that, also none of this things are unproved,maybe they sound improbable,but,we know?.



I’ve just gathered the info and stuck it in one place, its up to you to post your thoughts and ideas.[/quote]

I’m not making fun of you or anything, but can you possibly believe the expense in housing thousands of people in a place like Antartica?? Completely inhospitable land with no food or wood and astronomical costs to bring in supplies. I appreciate your research but i view this as not reasonable or feasable.[/quote]

The idea is the base would be underground which would be at 50 Fahrenheit or 10 Celsius. You would obviously have to have ventilation and heating but you could grow food and water is not a big problem, you just have to convert it from a solid to a liquid. It is unlikely but not 100% impossible, but when you draft in the tech in the 1940s it becomes even less likely. That is where the aliens would have to come in. The whole scenario is very unlikely but possible after all the ideas are no more wacky than some of the stuff in the bible!

I’m pretty sure Hitler died in Berlin after killing himself and there is no base under the ice but it would be amazing if there was.

If ‘Aliens’ did stake some kind of claim here on earth, they certainly wouldnt have to hide from ‘us’. Lets understand the fact that if they possess the technology to travel billions of light years through the universe to get here, they certainly wouldnt have any trouble coping with the village idiots upon arrival, so to speak. I do appreciate this post, and I, like you, am up for discussion on anything. Continue…

Cracking thread, the Nazi base is right next to the Soviet one!!!

Great stuff, keep it up. When I was down in the South Atlantic I had lunch with Joe McArthy, lol…

Great New Year post that…

I actually had lunch with a load of Sailors…

What would you prefer?

Firefly, as you well know the secret nazi base is separated from the russian one by the Royal Navy’s secret ship building yard.

And whos manning the base now? A bunch of SS men who have aged a good 60 years since the war’s end? The necessary resources for life have to exist. It seems unbelievable to think that the Nazis stuffed away enough food, water, and the like for over 60 years of duty. :shock: Plus, if the discs weren’t flown for over 30 years, my guess is that natural aging would have its effects on the engines and everything else. It just doesn’t quite add up. But kudos to you for doing your research. :slight_smile:

Given that the Atlantic wall did’nt last a day in 1944 how would Germany be able to transort sufficiant materials thousands of miles to the south pole and build a base that would last 60 odd years witout detection by increasingly hi tech monitoring systems. Of course they may have covered it with a gigantic tin foil hat

Not impossible, and the Nazis did have an intrest in the Antarctic.


Lists of trips to the Antarctic


I found this very intresting site on Nazi flying disks, well worth a read.


SS Tiger, OFFS, trust me on this there is more chance of me looking out of my window and seeing Lord Lucan riding Shergar into a UFO piloted by Elvis than there being a secret Nazi base in Antarctica. Antarctica is one of the most scentifically monitored places on earth, they depend on air and sea resupply from New Zealand (opp dep freeze based in Christchurch, I’ve been there and seen it) and have to transport their garbage back. Do you not think that the various scientific teams or Geenpeace( who are on the place like a bomber jacket on a tom) would have failed to noticed a 60 year shit heap or their heat discharge.

This has been the best thread for ages! Well comedy thread. I think there is a secret Nazi base in my Attic, Ive heard saucer like noises at night!

That’s chit!,the Antartica would freeze their asses and you cannot get food,within a few weeks they would get hungry like the wolf (nice song :twisted: ).

trust me on this there is more chance of me looking out of my window and seeing Lord Lucan riding Shergar into a UFO piloted by Elvis than there being a secret Nazi base in Antarctica.

:lol: :lol: :lol: , you big cheese, that was soooo great!.

I’m thinking along the lines of the Nazis heading down there in the Second World War and constructing an outpost at least (above ground or below and no flying disk research labs). At the end of the war this outpost was the only place left since the fall of Berlin so all the Nazis who had escaped headed down there in U-boats. Once the U-boats got there some of the crews knew the outpost would never last and headed to Argentina. Then the remainder stayed at the outpost and either was flushed out by the American navy or ran out of supplies and died out. This was all to remain secrete as the fact the Nazis had a base in the Antarctic could cause worry and panic, people could think there were other Nazi outposts.

Well I cant say off topic as this topic sure covers a lot!

Maybe we can find out in this DVD?

didn’t allies have enough technology to see the germans there if they had an antartic outpost?,im thinking of radars,and etc.

The point is how could they survive much time in an hostile weather,without food there (so,if they go here they would bring their own food,after they eat all the food… arghhh)

When would they build it?,it would took a while to build an important base in the antartica,if they have done that for escaping before,why allied intelligence services didn’t do nothing?.

I think that choosing a less populated neutral country or a country who simpatizes with the nazis for making a secret base would be better,im thinking about an…underground base? :roll: .

yes sir,some german grey wolves/submarines came to mar del plata,i don’t have a photo but:

thanks defensa y seguridad mercosur.

yes,the odessa, the waffen-SS who emigrated to argentina,thanks to peron,a disguised nazi.

also otto skorzeny worked with peron in argentina:


se dirigió a Argentina para trabajar con el gobierno de Juan D. Perón, reorganizando la policía y ayudando a inmigrar a ex-combatientes alemanes.


he went to argentina for working in the government of Juan D. Perón, reorganizing the police and helping to emigrate to german ex-combatants

I believe that most of those “secret nazi plans” are pure crap,but,there must be at least one that is true!,after all,wasn’t hitler a big…how would i say?..drugged :slight_smile: .