Hitler´s JEWISH Soldiers - German Air Force | Gallery

Hitler´s JEWISH Soldiers

1/2 Jewish Nazi Field Marshal Erhard Milch was born on 30 March 1892 in Wilhelmshaven, the son of Anton Milch, a Jewish pharmacist in the Kaiserliche Marine, and Clara Milch, née Rosenau.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/31202/hitlers-jewish-soldiers

He may not have had the choice at the time, but the question still remains: how can you serve a regime that is meant to murder a part of your family?

Half-Jewish at least, I think. However, Goering found him useful; and so made sure that the (for a Nazi) problematic fact never came out. In this connection, the Reichsmarschall is said to have remarked, "I decide who is a Jew". Nice to be consistent … Best regards, JR.