Hitler Vs Blair and others

Well I never:


Must be the leadership style, er autocratic then?

A firm asked 1,000 business leaders who they rated as as the most impressive leaders of men throughout history.

Their choice! :lol:

That’ll be a blow for Tony!!!

Still, I’m quite surprised that Mother Terrisa managed to get on to the list.

I would never think of her as a leader, although she must have led some people, she is to me the self sacrificing, others first sort of woman rather than a leader.

Just my thought.

Maggie on the otherhand. She should be in the top 10.

Number eight I believe.

She should be number 2 at least.

Old Winston though. He’ll always be there at No 1!!!

Top speeches, top leader and top put downs.

Woman “You are drunk, sir!”

Churchill “I maybe drunk, but in the morning i will be sober, and you will still be ugly!!”

Above quote may differ slightly to what was said in the odd word only!!!

Woman to Winston

‘Sir if I was your wife Id give you poison’


‘Madam if I was your husband Id take it!’

Cant beat a Winston quote…

And wasn’t he involved in a cavelry charge when he was younger?

Churchill charged with the 21st Lancers at Omderman (sp?) having been voluntarily attached as a correspondant. He was originaly commisioned into the 4th Hussars and went to India.


Men occationally stumble apon the truth but most of the men pick
themseves up and hurry off as thoogh nothing had happened

:lol: :lol: Hitler beat Blair, thats pretty funny :lol: :lol: