Hitlerjugend Pics ??

Hi guys.
Im looking for pictures of the HJ and 12 SS.
I tried to google for it, but didnt really find what i was looking for.
Im interested in combat and post combat pics!

Apart those ones i found on google image,not much i am afraid.

Schallburg, since you’re apparently from Denmark it should be a minor problem to purchase the following leading illustrated books regarding the 12th SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” e.g. from german ebay:

Kriegsgeschichte der 12. SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” by Hubert Meyer

…and the more favourable option:
“Die 12. SS-Panzer-Division HJ” by Herbert Walther

Thanks guys !

Divisional HQ at the L’Abbaye d’Ardenne near Caen, June 1944:

Kurt Meyer (CO SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25), Fritz Witt (Division commander, KIA June 14, 1944) and Max Wünsche (CO SS-Panzer-Regiment 12)

poor boys , but nice pics .

that’s maybe some future soldier in the imagination of Hitler maybe :slight_smile: