Hitler's Autos

Has anyone ever seen one of the Führer’s limousines? He had many during the course of the twelve-year Reich, of course. During his lifetime, he gave some away—one to his ally Marshal Mannerheim of Finland—I’ve seen pictures of it. I think the Finns, in turn, passed it along to someone else–probably not politically correct after the war.

When I was in the eighth grade, a Mercedes came through town in tow and was exhibited on Main Street. I eagerly paid my 25-cent ‘contribution.’ I was a bit disappointed—it was shown as discovered—whether from Berchtesgaden, Berlin, wherever. It looked like it had been through a war.

Dummies of Hitler and either Goebbels or Göering were seated in the rear. Hitler never learned to drive, didn’t like to drive fast, and preferred to sit up front next to his driver whenever possible.

One thing I was impressed by—I recall the tires being HUGE!

There may be one in Las Vegas—and it would definitely be worth a look-see. I also recall that one of Tsar Nicholas II’s cars is there as well.

Mr. Ralph Engelstad, the owner of the Imperial Palace casino in Vegas, has a restored example. In fact, I believe Mr. Engelstad got into trouble more than once regarding his collection of WWII Nazi memorablilia. I believe it used to be displayedat the casino in Vegas for a while, but has not been seen for quite some time. I believe that Mr. Engelstad passed away, and there was a nasty fight over his estate, but I can’t quite remember for sure.

The chopped mustache corporal had several autos, but probably the most associated with his war image is the massive 6x6 Mercedes 540 G4 W31.

Is the one you can see in footage of Sudetenland, Poland, Paris and visiting the russian front in 1941.

I can well understand why a Jew, particularly a Jew who lost family during the Holocaust, would hate the sight of one of these Grosser Mercedes-Benzes. I recall reading of a wealthy Jew who was going to purchase one just to destroy it. Of course, the car wasn’t at fault–just what it represented.

Other cars I’d like to see would be Bonnie and Clyde’s Ford V-8 and also that quaint-looking little car in the Vienna Military Museum in which Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, died. It would be a strange feeling, knowing that our world was brought about by the event which centered around this car.

Perhaps, but then why do all the Pawn Shops in Toronto on Church Street, (Which are owned by JEWS) carry Nazi coins and Nazi War medals and pins for sale?? If i was a Jew and I lost my parents in the concentrationcamps then why would I be interested in selling Nazi crap in my pawn shop? I just don’t get it??

A classic and beautiful looking vehicle…unlike the guy who used to ride in it.

Although unrelated to cars, I found this neat phot of Herman Goering’s yacht!!


I never claimed that Jews were monolithic in their opinion. Pawn-shop owners, Jews or not, want to make money–so most of them buy and sell anything that legally creates a profit.

Many Jews, particularly in Israel itself, didn’t want Richard Wagner’s music played in that country. Wagner, as you know, was Hitler’s favorite composer and idol. Wagner was quite anti-Semitic, a trait which wasn’t just confined to him, or to Germans.

Yehudi Menuhin, the great Jewish virtuoso violinist, was thoroughly trounced by many fellow Jews when he performed Wagner and befriended the Berlin Philharmonic’s celebrated conductor, Wilhelm Furtwängler–they called Menuhin the ‘Jewish Nazi.’

Interesting thought, what if Hitler had produced a really good work of art? Should it be burned, although critics realized the painting ranked with a Monet, Rembrandt, et al. Kind of a moot question, I suppose, because if the young Hitler’s talent had been anything other than mediocre and he had become a successful painter or architect, he probably wouldn’t have taken the route he did. I think he blamed Vienna Jews for not recognizing his work.

I understand Churchill was quite the artist himself yet we don’t hear that much about his paintings. i think when something is evil we are compelled to want it more, for some strange reason. i mean, even myself, I would rather have a painting by hitler than Churchill even though Churchill was a much better person. Maybe its the novelty of the idea, i don’t know…

I’m not an artist, so can’t rate the comparative merits of Churchill’s and Hitler’s paintings. The few I’ve seen of Hitler’s, however, aren’t much better than the unknown ‘starving artists’ works I have in my house. I chose them because I liked the subjects–a dog and a landscape.

There is something, however, in being close, or even possessing, something once handled by an infamous person, particularly Hitler.

I toured the 45th Battalion Museum in Oklahoma City a couple of years ago. It’s quite interesting, particularly the ‘Nazi Room.’ Immediately outside the room is a rather plain dark blue cloak with gold braiding, ‘lifted’ from Hitler’s Munich apartment. Inside are other artifacts he once owned. I was particularly interested in an oval mirror, again quite plain–it wasn’t even beveled–that was taken from the Chancellery bunker where he spent his last days. Looking into the mirror (I wondered if the original glass had survived), I thought it would make an interesting story–first seeing myself in the mirror, then having my features morphed into Hitler’s, or perhaps Fraulein Braun’s.

This baby is in the ottawa war museum.
It is said to have been used by Hitler during the 30’s.one of the last remaining parade cars of Adolf Hitler, an armour-plated black Mercedes convertible with bullet-proof windows, apparently the only one of its kind in existence in a public museum.

I visited it a long time ago on a school trip. Very nice exibition, they had a me-163 komet, a Spitfire, and lots more stuff than I can remember…
