Hitlers death

how do you think he died???

i have no idea, so i might listen to your comments and opinions and might make a decision from that

Are you honestly saying you have no idea how Hitler died and that instead of finding out for yourself you want us to tell you so you can make an opinion of it?

Right I will start then

Herman Goering fell on him in May 45.

suicide is the only theory of heard of, and where would i research (internet aint that reliable for PRIMARY sources)

Yes the odd of Hitler commiting suicide is very high, but the Soviets were very secretive, for all we know they could have found him maybe half dead but brought him to Siberia? Who knows, another unsolved mystery the world will probably never solve.

Are there no libraries where you are?

Er no, he was dead, why in your opinion would it be advantageous to take him to Siberia?

There’s no way the Soviets would have kept capturing Hitler alive a secret.

He shot himself and Eva on about April 30th and their bodies were burned in the garden of the Fuhrerbunker. His jawbone was apparently recovered by the Soviets and identified by his dentist’s assistant, who recognised the bridgework.

(According to Berlin, The Downfall, Antony Beevor anyway)

Abducted by aliens as part of US Government experiments to breed an elite new form of conspiracy theorist.


Eva Braun took poison and he shot himself in the head but, maybe by fear, missed himself. Then he shot himself in the mouth. The SS burnt them near the bunker in a bomb hole. There get married the night before.
That the story I heard, or I read.
The russians said that they found their bodys, but in fact, they took 2 corpses and burnt them to let the propaganda say that Hitler was dead.

And I heard that story too.

watch der untergang (downfall) it rocks.

Hitler first took posion then shot himself, he took the poison first because he was worried that the bullet might not kill him.

The Soviets have hitlers preserved skeleton in moscow today dont they ?


And they’re no longer “the soviets”.

No one knows what went on in that bunker :? except for the dead, and the dead keep it secret Ok? And I was just giving out ideas that other people said before not my self (not on this forum).

No, the russians said they had hitler’s body, but it was only propaganda. I saw the photo, it’s just a corpse burnt.

Hitler was give a bollock transplant to replace the missing one. then he went home a happy man:)

Hitlers Death, not close enough to his birth for my liking