Hitler's Nincompoop

Whether it’s Stalin, Hitler, or Saddam Hussein, who was going to stand up to them and tell the real truth? There were a few, in Hitler’s case—even a couple of shouting matches from some of his more courageous generals—but he overrode every competent military objection—trusting on his intuition, which, coupled with his gambler’s luck had paid off in the early stages of the war.

One of the reasons Hitler went into Poland was because of that incompetent, Joichim von Ribbentrop’s ‘assurances’ that Britain wouldn’t support the Poles; and if the British didn’t, neither would the French.

Von Ribbentrop, whom Hitler touted as the most brilliant statesman since Otto von Bismarck, was generally considered a complete nincompoop by everyone—Goebbels, Göering. Von Ribbentrop was appointed Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, but was hardly ever at the embassy–afraid to stay away from Berlin for very long. He greeted George VI with the Nazi stiff-arm salute when presenting his credentials to the King. Von Ribbentrop supposedly had an affair with Wallis Simpson before her royal lover abdicated(did he receive confidential information from her?, since Edward was notoriously careless about leaving state papers lying around), and completely misunderstood the British constitutional system insofar as the power of the monarch went. He was probably the slimiest Nazi of them all—including Martin Bormann.

You mean George had an affair with Ribbentrop? WOW…I was just watching George on Tv the other day. I n the documentary they didn’t touch on this. I understand George was quite a pro-Nazi kinda guy, but that Ribbentrop affair business is shocking! I wonder if its true!!

Von Ribbentrop supposedly had an affair with Wallis Simpson before her royal lover abdicated(did he receive confidential information from her?, since Edward was notoriously careless about leaving state papers lying around), and completely misunderstood the British constitutional system insofar as the power of the monarch went. He was probably the slimiest Nazi of them all—including Martin Bormann.

Sorry you misunderstood. It’s pretty certain that the ambassador’s affair was with Wallis Warfield Simpson, Edward’s mistress.

OH! Ok, Now I know why they never mentioned it in the biography I saw last week. :wink:

LOL! Wallis Simpson reputedly spent a time in a seraglio servicing men (naturally) while she was in China. It’s in her biography.

As they say, you can’t necessarily believe everything you read. However, in this case, Wallis did study the Chinese art of – (can’t recall the exact name for that particular sex technique) – which probably paid off in Edward’s case. Although he had some well-publicized affairs, before he met up with the twice-divorced Wallis, I’m sure he wasn’t the lover so many idolizing women thought he was during the 1920s.

The more I learn about the duo, I think I hold her in higher regard than I do the duke. She never really expected to be queen, nor to marry the king. Although she came to love him, in their later years, despite the jewels he showered on her, there is evidence she held the ex-king in contempt, as many strong-willed women do for weak men.