Hitler's painting

IF anyone have more of his drawing, can they post it in here, thanks!

A watercolour by Adolf Hitler depicting Laon, France.

Hi guys,

I can only say that’s a pity that no one was interested in buying Adolf’s art.
A bit of money during his Vienna time would turn him into different direction…


Is it possible to buy prints of his art?

Perhaps, but I have to admit his art is pretty shitty.

Here is a gallery of Hitler’s art: http://www.hitler.org/art/

I wouldn’t call his work shitty. His scenery paintings are really good. But I can’t say the same for his drawings of people.

I guess we could say it’s okay…however it’s wasn’t something uncanny or extrodinery, probably any average painter could paint them.

I think its far from “shitty”. I’d like one for my wall, it would certainly make an interesting talking point when somebody asks who the artist was!

Yeah I’ll give you that. His work is not amazing, but maybe if he got some of it sold and some encouragement he might have continued with his painting. Then maybe the world would be in a very different place.

The first sketch of a Volkswagon, by Hitler who had a big hand in the looks of the car.

I think you give him too much credit, WWII was doomed to happend, if Hitler didn’t grab the power in 1933 eventually the Junkers/Army would take control, the war would still be happening althought it’s would probably would be more modert, no atrocities of the German army and probably the anti-semitics laws would never turn to genocide (if there would be any).

do you know hitler design the volkswagon? thats pretty amazing.

Hi folks,

Adi twice failed exams to Fine Art Academy in Vienna.
Do you know what happened to these art professors/examiners after Anschluss?
Did he took his revenge? And if yes, how?

Anyway, IMHO, Adolf as a self taught “painter” was somewhat proficient.
He admitted that he sold about 3000 “paintings”.
Kitsch is kitsch - if there is a market for kitsch, kitsch producers are sometimes smarter than great artists which can’t sell anything.
I believe that smart arses which decided that Adolf cannot be “professional” were really regretting their decision in 1938.
World would look quite different…

And what a difference between Van Gogh and Adolf Hitler?
In both cases their art is selling well and fetching exorbitant prices after their death.



But for diffrent reasons, van Gogh art sell well because of the art itself, while Hitler art sell because who painted it and not because of the quality of the art.

That’s right Dear Ingsoc, but to the point… you cannot compare art with kitsch, however I insist that both sell because “who painted it”. lol

I agree his portraits and life drawing leave much to de desired but I am actually quite fond of his landscapes and architectural work. I wouldn’t mind having some prints either and not because of who painted them. I think he had some real talent. It just needed some fine tuning.

Searching for my post about Dresden something like that jumped on my screen. I could not help myself to add it to Hitler’s painting…

At first I thought that this is Goebels propaganda. In reality this dude lives well is kicking and painting… And probably selling his works!


Warning - graphic violence!

Look at this for start:


Maybe some one should start a propaganda art thread? That is some great art, I could make an outrageous T-shirt by putting some of that art on it!

I can start this thread…

Sorry too start this tread again … I just need too know more :).

So Hitler make the volkswagon nice. But he have draw more or?

I want too look more. Btw i did not even he could draw shomting :neutral: .