Hitler's shocking table manners

From “Daily Mail”, February 17,2009:

To the wartime world, he was nothing less than a monster. In private, it seems, Adolf Hitler was equally unappealing.
According to an aide, the German dictator had ‘shocking’ table manners, constantly bit his nails and suffered from a ‘digestive disorder’ that may have resulted in severe flatulence.
The secret documents also reveal that he believed official Nazi propaganda about himself and thought ‘he was the greatest military genius of all time’.
The Fuhrer’s daily routine and ‘uncouth’ behaviour were revealed in notes taken from a captured high-ranking Nazi and handed to a British agent.
The typed four-page profile is dated May 1945 - the month Hitler died - and states on the front: ‘This summary must be destroyed within 48 hours.’
Despite the instructions, the papers were retained by the agent and returned to England.
They have surfaced after 60 years following a recent house clearance and are expected to raise more than £1,000 at auction.
The unidentified German soldier revealed he dined with Hitler about 30 times and kept his diary in the bunker where the Fuhrer saw out the last few weeks of the Second World War.
He wrote: 'Hitler eats rapidly, mechanically; for him food is merely an indispensable means of subsistence.
'He does not smoke and it is strictly forbidden to smoke in his presence as he seems to be very susceptible to laryngitis.
'He talks in a mellow baritone, without that raucous, unpleasant stridency of his public speeches.
'At the table and in his speech he shows many facets of rather uncouth behaviour.
‘He abstractedly bites his fingernails, he runs his index finger back and forth under his nose, and his table manners are little short of shocking.’
The Nazi said Hitler would retire to his private rooms late at night where he would drink ‘health tea’ and listen to his phonograph.
He added: 'Hitler ate prodigious amounts of cake (this cake eating was responsible for a slight digestive disorder and the addition of a bay window to his already not too fortunate figure).
‘Quite often he would retire into this privacy with women whom he esteemed very much (during later years particularly with a Miss Eva Braun whose relationship to Hitler is quite unknown).
‘It is not believed that in these sessions with women Hitler’s attitude intensified to any more than a platonic relationship.’
He continued: ‘(The rumours about his homosexuality and other abnormal obsessions were rumours and nothing more. If there was any such streak in him, it was a touch of passive masochism in his relationship with women.)’
Talking about Hitler’s delusions, the source states that Goebbels’ techniques were so effective that 'Hitler himself became very susceptible to this propaganda.
‘He then actually started believing that he was a man of exceptional ability in the science of warfare.’
Auctioneer Richard Westwood-Brookes, who is selling the document next month, said: 'It is a highly important document which has clearly survived through extraordinary circumstances.
'The statement provides a vivid personal description of Hitler in his last days and his behaviour in the bunker.
'It mentions a digestive disorder which could be a reference to his flatulence, but denies the rumours that Hitler was homosexual.
‘This remarkable document is potentially unique, given the requirement that it should have been destroyed within hours of receipt.’
Terry Charman, senior historian at the Imperial War Museum said: 'Hitler’s problem with flatulence has been well documented and was even mentioned in his doctor’s diaries.


Well , we migh to conclude the Adolf was a ordinary man with his “defects”.
I though he was just an Amtisemitic Monster, Evil Genius, demon in human face.:slight_smile:
But endeed he was just a man who was suffer the flatulence.

What a shocking revelation!

A man with bad table manners clearly wasn’t fit to preside over the Holocaust and the destruction of much of Europe.

You’d think the Germans who supported him would have picked someone nicer, and generally more delicate, for that task. :rolleyes:

Did they really have the others “candidates” to that honorable role?;).

Ernst Rohm was one , Himmler was the another :wink: but whatever you think about Hitler he had charisma and the people liked him so no one dared to make anything and as the time showed the plot in 1944 was unsuccessful leading to something similar to the Stalin purges maybe a bit little as scale compared to the purges in Red army .

The article I read is the most stupidist and useless piece of info I have ever read. What next? Are they going to write about how many times Hitler rubbed his ass with toilet paper? Give me a break!. So what he bit his fingernails. So what he farted. Who the hell hasn’t?! To think someone would pay money for this useless info. So Hitler ate his food fast…wewwww I am so astonished. I can’t wait to hear how Churchill chewed his food 9 times before swallowing instead of 12 times. god!

ummm this is actually very informative he farts alot wow but the nail biteing mustach rubbing could be signs on a mental istability we all know how evil he was but this could show if there was a greater investigation into his behavior through the year that he was insane from the start.

And Gobbles having his ear in such a way makes him pron to sugestion makes me wonder how many action and otrocities he ordered that were the idea of his subordinates its been documented that in late 1943 Himmler was forming SS Divisions with out Hitlers aproval and that by 1944 he was in many cases working alone and on his own agenda.

I wish to further research the Pshyci of the german leader ship Hitler, Himmler, Gobbles, Goring

Are U serious? Hitlers instability in his moustache twirling? Interesting? You think because a man twirls his moustache that its a sign of mental instability? What planet are you on. It’s totally rediculous. Oh, look, I am twirling my ear hair as we talk, so I must be going mental!.A study should be done on it.

'At the table and in his speech he shows many facets of rather uncouth behaviour

Many said that Hitler was quiet boring when he talked at the table. Has anyone read “Hitler’s Table Talk”? Just goes to show you what torture his poor guests had to endure.

Maybe it’s time to close the theme before starting to speak about what hitler did in his free time did he read a book or watched through the window … :rolleyes:

I thought being apart of the super Ayran Race (Hitler) you would not act like you’re from a lower class race.
One rule for Hitler and one whole lot of rules for the rest of the German population.:confused:

Ha the fuher is a farter

And I’m sure nobody objected to it to his face! :smiley:

im not defending hitler i hate the guy as much as all do a family member of mine works at a max security insane asylum she told me that alot of the crazy s they got up there have small signs that show them to be um nuts. Im no expert, one of the areas of WW2 history that intrests me so greatly in the mid set how can a man order the cold blooded death of another because of there race it makes no sence to me and i want to know why and how. his behavior from 10 years before and by the end was so difrent its not even close to similar its like hot and cold with him yes i know he was always nuts but after a dozen or so assasination attempts and his plans went astray alot (and its great they did)

What i was saying is yes it may just be him farting and scratching his nose but if a guy like Froid were analizing him id bet hed call hitlers body movments a type of sign of a mental istability im going to drop this subject my self know as im having a hard time even typing something up in reply so this is all just a long shot any ways

Simply i think Hitler views were finally formed by the end of the WW1 by which he wanted vengeance to anyone - the jewish commanders he saw (latter this would turn against everyone who is jew ) the allies , the communist he fights in Munich would become latter his greatest hated enemies . So it was something like “payback” time for Hitler as veteran of WW1 when he got control of the country .

So what exactly was the situation like in Israel between WW1 and WW2?

I guess you’re saying Germans were “infesting” other countries. They were/are productive members of our society just as the Jews. Just looking around the area where I live (central Texas, USA) there is a huge German influence. Quite a few towns were founded by the Germans. You make it sound like a bad thing.

keep in mind that the hatred of jews was not hitlers idea , yes he took it to the very worst extrem but the hatred of the jewish people was a very old idea spaning hundered of years before

The Germans in the German clubs I’ve been invited to didn’t mind mixing with Aussies of Celtic-Anglo background. They had good beer and better food (which is the reverse of Australian gatherings). What more could you want?

Admittedly, half of them were about as German as I am, having been born here or come out as very young children and grown up as Aussies.

The post-war ‘white wogs’ from Germany and Holland assimilated very well here (in many cases a lot better than the whingeing Poms of the ten pound tourist variety) and vastly better than people from some other backgrounds.

I can’t understand why you think that Germans are reluctant to mix with Aussies.

Have you done something to offend them?

There are very few Germans in Toronto. There is a city called Kitchener which I believe use to be called Berlin before the war, which has a lot of Germans but I’ve never been there. Germans aren’t that many over here, but then again, i can’t say I’ve really met more than 1 or 2 Australians either, but the ones I did meet, had big hooters!