Holland - Breaking News

Security alert in Holland
BBC News

Edited to add: Hearsay / rumour so far: Unconfirmed reports of shots fired. Raids across the country, parliament sealed off. (It sounds dramatic when I say it like that). Arrest made in the hague

Quoted from Sky news:

Dutch police have arrested seven people accused of plotting terrorist attacks, it is reported.
It comes as officers in riot gear closed entrances to Dutch government buildings in The Hague.

Around 24 officers took part in the operation, which shut both houses of parliament and the government’s information service to the public.
No details have been given of the lock-out, which came as police took part in a series of raids.
There have been unconfirmed reports of gunfire in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood.
This is the area where officers were injured by a hand grenade while arresting two terror suspects last year after the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh.
Heightened security has arisen from renewed threats against two members of parliament - Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders - who are both outspoken critics of radical Islam.
Despite the operations, the weekly Cabinet meeting went ahead as scheduled.


the brave Dutch!,i hope they were right when they selected the suspects of terrorism,if no innocent suffered,they must have a 10.