Holocaust Rememberence Day

We cant let this pass without a mention here, the things that the Nazis did to people should never be allowed to be forgotten.


We’ve been saying this for a long time. I’m pretty sure that “never again” is really just short for “never again will jews be murdered by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945.”


We’ve been saying this for a long time. I’m pretty sure that “never again” is really just short for “never again will jews be murdered by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945.”[/quote]

Sadly true, it was happening in the Balkans only 10 - 15 years ago.

Just a few select incidents since we said “never again”:

USSR largely until 1953, then tailing off
North Korean massacres of civilians during the Korean War
Pol Pot’s Cambodia
Saddam Hussein

We’ve been saying this for a long time. I’m pretty sure that “never again” is really just short for “never again will jews be murdered by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945.”[/quote]

Sadly true, it was happening in the Balkans only 10 - 15 years ago.[/quote]

My wish goes to all acts of genocide.

Sad but true.

Never again.

I didnt start this as a polical genocide thread, but you guys are right though. You forgot the Turks and Armenians too!

Mind you, I dont think, no matter how bad the others have been that they come close to industrials scale factory killings and it wasnt just the Jews either.

Jews,Gypsies,Homosexuals,disabled people,enemies of the regime,Jehovas witnesses,POWs, you name it…

Has any of you gone to any of the camps today? Auschitz etc?

This thing about the Jews has been going on for so long now it is starting to make me sick. Why? Just what do you think the modern Germans feel everytime this comes up. Germany, Germany Germany. It is getting old now.

There has been a lot of these things around and it were just forgotten and swept aside.

It were terrible thing that happend, but what about the others, is this now th only one or are the jews thus the most importend.

I would say that all must be under one name and must thus be all reconised.

The Germans have sayd sorry so many times, but never has it stopped. Did the British govermant say sorry for the things they did in South Africa nd in the other countries. No, they did not say sorry even to the familys who lost children and wifes in the consentration camps.

Why did nothing happen to them?

I think this is getting out of hand, I am not saying it is right what happend to the Jews, it was never right and I can not believe that someone can treat a nother human being like that.



Hi mate, and welcome. You must change your avatar to 100x100 and it should be from WW2. I just thought you should know that before the mods get to you :lol:


Too late!

:lol: :lol: You should actualy make it larger where it states that it should be 100x100 and should be from WW2.


I’m planning to go to Auschwitz this summer.
I live just 60 km away from city of Lodz (Poland). Everytime I go to Lodz I pass by the Work Camp for children (Polen-Jugendverwahrlager), because it’s placed next to the main road. It is really different to see it real than on tv…

Some more info here http://www.lernen-aus-der-geschichte.de/?site=pr20050914221245&lp=en

Hi Kovalsky.
What do you think about revisionosts?And how many victims were murdered in Osvencim(Auschwitz). 4 miilions as affirmed soviet propoganda or just 1 million?