Home Guard Hope Springs Eternal ... - British Forces | Gallery

Home Guard Hope Springs Eternal ...

These British Home Guards have mounted their Northover Projector on a little cart, and are posing with it in anti-aircraft mode. This would appear a little optimistic, to say the least. The Northover Projector was one of the weapons designed in Britain, promoted by Churchill and (reluctantly) accepted by the War Office as one of the stop-gap to fill the void in anti-tank weapons suffered by the British after Dunkirk. It normally fired a glass anti-tank grenade; the propellant was old-fashioned gunpowder (black powder), and ignition was by means of a simple black powder cap. Even on the level, range was scarcely 100 yards Imperial - 60-80 yards was probably more realistic. As to using it as an anti-aircraft gun, well, let's just say that the Home Guards would have been lucky if the grenade had not just looped back onto their heads, with probable scorching consequences. I note, by the way, that is seems to have been common from other Home Guard 'photos, the Sergeant has approptiated what was probably the unit's one and only Thompson SMG ! Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/45284/home-guard-hope-springs-eternal-...

You still have to respect the fact that these units were comprised of old soldiers, underage boys and those unfit for active service, these men were very much like the units left to defend Germany at the end of the war. There end would have been the same if the Germans had prevailed in the war instead of the Allies !