
Really who likes homework. I hate it. Now I understand studying for test. But I wish school work would stay at school. What do you think of having homework or having it when you were a kid. Please vote and send a message on what you think.

Just to let you know if you don’t…

This is a completely random topic :wink:

I used to enjoy most of my homework, was batter than spending longer in school and the projects about things like Hitler or the Battle of Britain were good

Doesn’t matter if you like it or not. If you ever want to be any good, you’ve got to do the work - and there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done in school. At university and in later life this gets more extreme, with virtually all work being done in your “spare” time. Best get used to it now.

I would skip on my homework and get all it done on first period class .Do your self a favor enjoy school and do your best its a real crappy world when you get out of school .I was a C and D student but senior year when I knew it was over I hit the books and was a A-B student .Look into a military career you can retire in 20 years ( age 38) with full health insurance for life for you and your family , and if you do 20 years go into the post office your prior military time will roll over to the post office time and you can 2 pensions coming in at 58 .Just my thought :slight_smile:

Kid! Do not listen to them!
This so called homework is just a huge conspiracy agains childhood!
It is just evil adults that want to take away joy from all the kids in the world.
Do not give in! Fight back!

What Off-Topic General is for! :wink:

Agreed! Just might add “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” :smiley:

I did about the same. Wish I had listened better in a few of those classes. What got me motivated was the summer before Uni. I worked a typical job in the area. Hated it. So decided it was time to get my ass in gear.

i remember i use to do my homework from my trip from school back to home. (it takes more than an hour). so that i dont need to do it at home, lol

I develop a skill that i can still write very neatly despite the car is moving very fast and there are many road bumps back in hk.

Do you mean while stearing a car? :smiley:

When I was at school me and my friends used to do our homework at lunch and breaktime, then we had much more time left after school. Some homework I liked some I didn’t, but either way I did it.

Yeah, well, I have turned out a bit strange I suppose!