Honved Retreat from the Don, 1943 - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

Honved Retreat from the Don, 1943

A series of Soviet attacks drove the Axis forces back on the Don River front during 1942-1943. First came the Romanians and Italians, and then in January, 1943, came the turn of the Hungarians and Germans. After suffering heavy casualties, here Hungarian Honved columns are retreating toward the West in below zero winter weather on the open, snow-swept Russian steppe.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/hungarian-forces/35064/honved-retreat-from-the-don-1943

This sceen well reflects the franch foriegn legion motto:
"March or Die" and these men knew very well what would happen if they stopped.