Hot Babes Of WWII

Just a thought after seeig Chevan’s thread of German women in Nazi uniform. Perhaps we can devote this thread to the hot babes of WWII, and not just the pinup girls.

If you’re interested just post here.


Nice idea Digger :slight_smile:

Well, for starters how about the British actresses Vivien Leigh and Olivia de Havilland. Both starred in the 1939 classic Gone with the Wind and were very beautiful women.

Vivien Leigh (5 November 1913 – 8 July 1967) - Biography:

“Vivien Leigh” - Images - Advanced Google Search:

“Vivien Leigh” - Images - AltaVista Search:“Vivien+Leigh”&mik=photo&mik=graphic&mip=all&mis=all&miwxh=all

“Vivien Leigh” - Images - Lycos Search:“Vivien%20Leigh”

“Vivien Leigh” - Images - Yahoo Search:“Vivien+Leigh”&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

MORE IMAGES:,Leigh,galeria,PersonGaleria,id=9462

Video clips:

Vivien Leigh Tribute (Dixie)
from the movie Gone with the Wind 1939

Vivien Leigh & Clark Gable (best onscreen couple)
as Scarlett O’Hara & Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind 1939

Alpha Man Behavior and Attitude - Library Scene (Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh)
Gone with the Wind 1939

Gone with the Wind
Vivien Leigh & Clark Gable

Olivia de Havilland (born 1 July 1916) - Biography:

“Olivia de Havilland” - Images - Advanced Google Search:

“Olivia de Havilland” - Images - AltaVista Search:“Olivia+de+Havilland”&mik=photo&mik=graphic&mip=all&mis=all&miwxh=all

“Olivia de Havilland” - Images - Lycos Search:“Olivia%20de%20Havilland”

“Olivia de Havilland” - Images - Yahoo Search:;_ylt=A0Je5mga4zNH78QAFxOJzbkF?p=+“Olivia+de+Havilland”&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&x=wrt&js=1&ni=21


Video clips:

Olivia de Havilland & Leslie Howard
as Melanie Hamilton & Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind 1939

Movie Legends - Olivia de Havilland

Olivia De Havilland - tribute

Errol Flynn - Olivia De Havilland - Maureen O’Hara

Gone with the Wind

Get ya rocks off here, boys.

Janis Carter

I’m not sure if ‘Yank’ is a magazine title or an instruction to the lonely viewer. :wink:

She could teach Chevan’s bulldog a thing or two. And Chevan. :smiley:

So, in other words, you want to present a thread with actually attractive women? :slight_smile:

Technically yes-attractive women of WWII, but if anyone wants to post photos of some wolfhounds, they do so at their own peril;)

And a big thankyou to those who have made contributions so far. It seems the Germans were also outnumbered in the beauty stakes.

Regards digger

Great link RS :slight_smile: - Here’s more on:

Janis Carter, 10 October 1913 (Cleveland, OH) - 30 July 1994 (Durham, NC)
Biography & Filmography:

From: America in WWII: The Magazine of a People At War, James P. Kushlan (editor & publisher), (ISSN 1554-5296) 310 Publishing LLC, Harrisburg, PA, Vol 3: No 4, Nov-Dec 2007, p 9

“Janis Carter” - Images - Advanced Google Search:

“Janis Carter” - Images - Altavista Search:“janis+carter”&mik=photo&mik=graphic&mip=all&mis=all&miwxh=all

“Janis Carter” - Images - Lycos Search:

“Janis Carter” - Images - Advanced Yahoo Search:

Geprge, you are a man of many talents. Thankyou. Chevan’s thread is now are fast fading bad memory;):smiley:


Lucky you.

I don’t think I’ll ever get the picture of that bulldog out of my mind. :smiley:

Nor, it seems, will Chevan. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Relax buddy :wink:
Actually it not my guilt that ONLY that buldog is in you mind from entire movie.
Indeed in Germany there were not a lot of buatifull aryan woman.
Nevertheless there were a few quite pretty looking babies.

Well George if Vivien Leigh is already the related to the WW2 babes;)
Then let me add a one more buatiful german actress Hertha Thiele

May be this help my friend RIsing Sun to forget the ugly buldog;)
Its’ amazing for me but this pretty loking german girl look has a slav features of face;)
May be she had a slav roots?

Mate, feast your eyes on some current Aussie sheilas, which is what we use as the standard for estimating the growth factor in the undies.

The young Elle Machpherson

The old Elle Macpherson

Megan Gale

There’s better photos of her, but I thought you’d be more envious of the big truck. :smiley:


Who knows what she did in her spare time?

Can somebody shove some pix of Argentinian sheilas in here, or a ‘Malvinas belongs to Argentina’ T shirt, or something to do with soccer on the pampas?

Or this important historical thread might disappear when a certain person returns from his holidays.

Enjoy it while we can. :smiley:

And what’s about Olga Tchehova- the most popular Third Reich actress and the lovely actress of Further?
She was a russian origin, born in Russian Impare and has emigrated to the Germansy after 1917.

Hey George i know you are all-know high-intellect person;)
Culd you help me to find out a more photos of this brilliant woman?

Mate do not be a hooligan - do not soil this thread.
I have no idea what relation have those Aussie cosmetic barbies to the WW2 babes;)

Wow, Megan Gale looks amazing, that just contributes to my personal preference for eurasian or euramerican type girls :smiley:
That aryan stuff is stupid anyway, but you’ll find truckloads of amazingly beautiful natural blondes here and they have to have their genes from somewhere, so I guess there were some good looking women around sixty years ago, just not that many publicly available photos :wink:

I/m not focused on the aryans , Drake.
However why the arians is stopid staff?
May be the israely, afro-american and latinos stuff stopid also?
What is you problem with ethnical-origin identification?
I/am aryans ( well the slav aryans) - and i have no complexs on it. Have you?:slight_smile:

I have no idea what relationship your ideal bulldog sheila has to a female human being. Or any human being. :smiley:

I’m just showing you what we think of as the sort of women we expect to see in bikinis in the supermarket etc when we’re shopping. Just shoppers like us. Here the checkout chicks are usually naked in summer, but they stand up proud in winter. :smiley:

Anyway, I thought you’d get excited about the truck. :smiley:

What a bulldog shiela in this thread do you mean?

I’m just showing you what we think of as the sort of women we expect to see in bikinis in the supermarket etc when we’re shopping. Just shoppers like us. Here the checkout chicks are usually naked in summer, but they stand up proud in winter. :smiley:

RS if i want to watch the modern girls in bikinis - i do not need to ask you about it;)?
But we are telling about WW2 babes right?
So please do not post here the any more such photos- use for it other thread.

Anyway, I thought you’d get excited about the truck. :smiley:

I wish the same for you:)…

Well, the standards of beauty have changed a bit. But then, there’s Marlene Dietrich, German born actress that betrayed Hitler and “deconstructed” his fascist pretentions of German womanhood by giving aid and comfort to dozens, if not hundreds, of US soldiers during WWII…:wink: