How America controlled free expression against the Nazis before WWII

Just watched a TV documentary on the Warner Brothers and their film studio, which revealed a range of things I never knew about how the studio was in the forefront of opposition to the Nazis long before WWII and how, as one interviewee said, Jewish studio chiefs were censored by the Catholic controlled (and rather pro-Nazi) Production Code Administration (aka Hays Office) to ensure films were suitable for Protestant audiences.

Google turned this up as a fair summary of some of the issues covered in the program.

Basically the censorship of Jews has happened for quite some time. It seems that now a days we, the Jews, must cater to the Christians as if they are superiors. There is never mentioned Chanukah during the winter season, at least here in Canada, unless you go to a Jewish radio station, it’s all Christmas this and Christmas that. When I get home I will look this over more thoroughly.

Christmas is mostly a major commercial event for western countries these days. Many retail outlets rely on predictable Christmas bounce to balance the books or turn a profit. I guess if Hanukkah gets the same commercial appeal, it would gain more ground. In Vancouver where I live most schools already have a very secular Christmas so as not to offend non christian relgious sensitivities. I think thats a shame. They should all be celebrated since it would draw attention to these religions for the children and the culture . I understand Hindu have a similar Christmas type celebration "Galungan celebration"and Musliums have Ramadan.

Yes, many religious holidays are quite similar. I personally think that Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity but it shares things with both religions. I believe that there should be no celebrations in public schools of Christmas unless Chanukah, Ede and Kwanzaa are also mentioned, and any other holidays I missed. I have nothing against Christians, I just don’t believe what they believe.
If I am not mistaken, during the war there was a lot of Anti-nazi propaganda in cartoons.

Your schoolmate, presumably from the Saskatoon Special School for Patently Obvious Trolls and Aspiring Hackers, got sent to the sin bin for crypto-trolling.

You’re in line to join him given your posting history, amply illustrated most recently by throwing in the facile irrelevant comment about cartoons in your post above.

Don’t bother posting with some claim of innocence or feigned lack of understanding.

Just stop it.

Or it’s bye-bye to you, too.

This is a formal mod warning.

Now that krazedcat has come out as a troll, we can ignore his / her / its attempts to divert this thread into a discussion about religious holidays and matters religious in general.

It is about issues to do with controls in America on free expression against the Nazis. To the extent that religion played any part in that, and notably in the apparent Catholic control of film approvals or any anti-Semitism directed towards film studio owners, it’s open for discussion. Otherwise it’s not.

The thread has already wandered over all of the religious holidays, which is off topic. Please keep to the subject of the control of free expression against the Nazis by Media approval boards in the U.S. You say you live in Vancouver, but your profile lists your location as the U.S. Please remedy that.

Chanukah is mentioned regularly in the press in the US at Christmas time. Am I correct in the assumption that Chanukah didn’t become an important Jewish holiday until it was juxtaposed with Christmas in the US? Is Chanukah a big holiday in Jewish communities in Europe? Do they have “Chanukah bushes”?

During the Spanish Civil, Americans who served on the Republican side had the label “PAF” stamped into their passports. “PAF” stood for “Premature Anti-Fascist”. How is it or was it possible to be a “premature” Anti-Fascist?