How are we doing

I see that things arent great in the land of WW2ic right now.

Im going to ask for chief Mod in charge powers.

If I get them I need some input as to what you want as Mods.

Banning ability is paramount, I want you guys to have this ability in full. I trust you to make objective decisions between you, and think this will be a step forward.

So input please before I take it to the site owner.

Full ban ability - critical, although I think this should be on the understanding we only ban members where all three of us agree it is necessary (bad memories of PK banning the likes of Kalinokos for what appeared to be no good reason). Spammers are of course a different kettle of fish.

IP Ban - not sure, you certainly need it and it might be a good thing for the rest of us to have, but we rarely see the same IP address twice.

Avatars/Signatures - can’t remember a recent case (stevey maybe?) but the nature of the site is such that someone might come up with a gravely offensive signature/avatar. Banning them and deleting all their posts seems a bit of a blunt instrument.

Banning spammers - it’s a really long way around at the moment. You have to ban them, typing in “spam” twice, and then go and delete their posts. What would be really, really useful would be a “spammer” button which bans them and deletes all their posts in one or two clicks.

War room - I’d quite like to be able to merge posts/delete threads in the war room. The “log IPs” thread is just crying out for all the posts to be merged together, and all the “so and so has been banned as a spammer” posts crowd out the real threads and make finding them a nightmare so are also crying out for deletion.

All good points and I agree, ive cleaned out the infractions for spammers posts in the war room.

I dont think theres really a need to ban IPs as you can change an IP at a whim.

Spammer button, not sure software allows this right now.

As for avatars, Ill look into it, I may be able to delete them…


Since I don’t know any of the members here, I will base my decision to give power on what you guys say. Simply post requests here (others please comment if you agree/disagree) and I will reply when it is done.

I had a stressful 2 weeks. Please don’t think I don’t care about the forum section. I actually think it is important. If anybody has anything he/she thinks needs my attention - PM me. I try to check the forums regularly, but cannot do this all the time.


I agree. We need our banning power back.

Alright I’ll just go ahead and give you guys banning power.

I’ve activated the following for George, nick and pdf.

Can Mass-Move Threads
Can Mass-Prune Threads
Can View Whole User Profile (but not edit)
Can Ban Users
Can Restore Banned Users
Can Edit User Signatures

If you guys feel there is a need for another mod (or more) then please let me know as well. Powers can of course be customized (ie. no banning powers)

Brilliant, thanks :smiley:
Give it a week or two to see how things go before we start talking about new mods I think…

Thank you, but I just tried to ban this guy, and it didn’t work. He’s still a “private.”

let me check again. Sorry I’m not that familiar with vbulletin. Still learning where everything is.
I banned UsXPo8oo including his domain and IP.


I did some searching but had no luck. I don’t know if the right are updated over night, so if somebody could just try it again tomorrow and if it isn’t working I’ll go ask vbulletin or Nick (previous owner)


Well, he’s banned now, so perhaps it is working…

I did it. :wink:

I changed one thing. Now users are not promoted after 5 posts, but after 2 days. That should help as I believe spammers spam right away and not after 2 days.
What do you guys think?

That’s a good start. However, the ban thing doesn’t quite seem to be working still - Nick banned Sgt. Dorr as a test (with a note saying test only) and the ban hasn’t worked so far as I can tell.

Hmmm… well I banned 2 spammers just now and it seems to have worked for both. Having said that, one was that Ustb89whatever guy you (Procyon) had already banned, but it looks like it worked this time.
Things are looking up :smiley:

alright keep me posted.
(I’ve also added three smilies)

:army: :tank: :police:

Many thanks sir for restoring our mod powers. :slight_smile:

somebody posted that the banning is not working. I’ll look into it.
For now I’ve activated a new anti-spam tool. More details here
I’ve set it to scan the first 5 posts of a user. This can be changed if necessary. From what I understand it compares the first 5 posts of new users to known spam. If a match is found it doesn’t post. Instead it keeps the post for 15 days. After that it is automatically deleted. We’ll see how it goes…

That sounds like a good idea, spammers usually like to hit straight away. Already I see the spam seems to be down a bit. Good move.