How did Hitler die?

i always wondered how hitler died i think he died by shooting him self. he couldve died by poison or shooting him self what u ww11 fans think.

Both my friend, took poison then shot himself…

I think he died of natural causes in Brazil having escaped the Reichs bunker before the fall of Berlin and after killing his wife Eva Brun and his body double Clauss.


(actually thats a joke for those that didn’t work it out.)

theres alot of ways he coudve died

I think he’s still alive. He escaped on U-666, and established a base on an uncharted island off of Sri Lanka.

Shooting a pistol into his temple while at the same moment biting on a cyanide glass capsule.
Eva Braun just bit a cyanide capsule.


You took the words out of my mouth spot on.

Well, for all his faults (such as being a genocidal maniac and an incestuous fecalphiliac), you have to admit he was thorough…

I imagine he didnt want to stand trial and try to justify his policies to the world. In the end he took the cowards way out. Wouldnt it have been much better to show the merits of nazism? Or did he know that it had all been a shameful lie.

Think of Mr. Goebbels, the Schrumpfgermane, and his wife, who poisoned their six children before offing themselves.


Those poor kids,good looking kids too.

He may have been a propaganda genius but FUGLY. Wonder if they were actually his kids, read somewhere the Goebbels had an open marriage.

when hitler died anynother german took command untill surrendering to the russians,americans,british,canada,and france

What is this?

The updated semi-literate version of the Book of Revelations? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Grand Admiral Admiral Doenitz died in 1980. He took the charge of surrendering Germany after WW-2. He was sentenced to 10 yrs in prison at Spandau. I think he tried to form a legitimate government after the war but it lasted only a few days until he was charged at Nurenberg. He lost both his sons in the war.225px-Donitz.jpg

I agree with the poison and shooting himself as he probably knew Stalin wanted him alive.
There is a good fiction book called The Berkut about Hitlers escape.

Back in the early 1990s someone doing resaerch in the newly opened archives in Russia took a look at the complete NKVD reports on the search for Hitler and the examination of his bunker in Berlin by the Soviet NKVD and military intellegence . It also contained copys of interviews with several surviors of the last days in Htlers bunker.

The Soviet investigators found several corpses near the bunker, including some badly burned remnants. One of these was tenatively identified as Hitlers remnants. The writers of the report were not certain and based their guess on remarks made by the survivors they interviewed, and on a medical examiners report on the corpse. The doctor, experinced in examination and identification of corpses identified the remnants as those of a middle aged male with height and weight measurements at the time of death as similar to Hitler. It was the only corpse near the bunker that was similar to Hitler in estimated size or sex. The medical examiner noted along with many other details that the Hyoid bone was broken. This is a small and delicate bone protusion on the front of one of the neck vertebrae. It is frequently broken during strangulation, either by rope or by hand.

Although parts of this NKVD report was made public in the USSR it seems it was never seen by any US or European historians before 1990 and no parts of it had been published in English.

Yes i also found out that russians found a corps.
My question is that,Was there a body double for Hilter for his death.?
I had some resoucers having said that it wast Hitler him self at all.
Im not saying that im right, just need some confrimation from other members.

Well, there is a complete different theory going around in Germany:shock:…


He’s aged surprisingly well.

Maybe Dr Morel knew what he was doing, after all. :wink: