How not to test a ballistic plate

Either a very good fake, or a bunch of effing MORONS, who happen to be American. When Tinwalt reappears he will defend them in 3…2…1…

Morons :roll:

I doubt that they are Americans!!!

Edited: At least the guy who shoot…

The guy talking is. The other two are Arabs - Iraqi probably

The guy talking is. The other two are Arabs - Iraqi probably[/quote]

From the uniform I thought it was taking place in Afghanistan.

The guy talking is definitely Spam, the guy holding the plate I can’t tell.

The guy talking is. The other two are Arabs - Iraqi probably[/quote]

The guy who shoots looks like an Afghan (check his uniform)

MoS, you beat me! :smiley:

The person holding the plate appears to be Yank aswell, listen to him after the first shot.

Amazing how stupid people can be. The impact of the first shot should have set alarm bells ringing in all heads, the Afghan probably didn’t want to admit that he was a crap shot and didn’t have a clue about zeroing (pride and all that) and the Yanks had probably read some crap about the natural ability of all Afghans to be able to shave the gonads off a mosquito, at 800m, with an AK from the age of 3, and believed it.

Obvious fake.

The two things that are iffy are the flight time of the bullets (seems a bit long) and the fact that he cocks the wpn a 2nd time (which you’d need to do with blanks and no BFA). But this could simply be bad gun-handling, since he did get a “click” when he first tried to fire. I’ve seen footage of a Georgian journalist re-cock his pistol after firing a shot for no real reason.

Dont forget the Afghans have the habit of DIY re-loading and the powder they use isn’t always that good and reliable, which would go towards explaining both of the above.

The guy talking is. The other two are Arabs - Iraqi probably[/quote]

From the uniform I thought it was taking place in Afghanistan.

The guy talking is definitely Spam, the guy holding the plate I can’t tell.[/quote]

Aye, just watched it again, the green uniform does suggest Afghans over Iraqis :oops: Either way, he obviously can’t shoot/zero a weapon.

I still think it’s blanks and a fake video - it all just looks wrong.

More to the point, they can’t help giggling like girls when they’ve just “shot” their buddy in the leg.

Just watched it a couple of times more, I now think it is a fake mainly due to the apparent lack of recoil on firing.

Fake, well I don’t know what can be said about that, but I believe if it were real, it would be US soldiers training an Iraqi enlistedman. That was pretty stupid even if it was a fake :roll: Some people…

The AK has bog all recoil.

Plkpfw - it’s NOT Iraq, it’s Afghanistan.

Iraqi Soldier:

Iraqi soldier:

Afghan soldiers (with exception of th eguy with sun-glasses :smiley: ):

Afghan soldiers:

I hope that is clear now for everybody the differences between the uniforms!

Edited to satisfy typos errors highlighted by Mr. Erwin.
Iragi = Iraqi
teh = the
Gracias amigo (it is not an insult!!!).

Left - Iraqi soldier;
Right - American soldier;

Note the differences.

never heard of a country called IRAG :smiley: