How to colorize photographs of the second world war???

All is say in the tittle, how to colorize photographs of the second world war???
Thank you.

By buying the appropriate software and practising I guess.

Any suggestions on softwear ?

He is a link to a program called Recolored its a 21 day trial, easy to use.I used it to color my Avitar,good luck

photoshop,magix etc


…and Photoshop.

Try SERIF PhotoPlus X4. It’s a fraction of the cost of Photoshop and just as good in all respects.



absolutely photoshop. :slight_smile:

:smiley: first thing is everyone show his pencil hahahaha

I am still waiting fro a software capable to colorize my large collection of “Die Deutsche Wochenschau” german newsreel in the .avi format. I ve see that done in the series “apocalypsis” transmitted woldwide by the Nat Geographic chhannel and originally french made.

can you tell me a name of the software please?
How can we paint films?

Ha, ha. That is what I am saying, I am waiting for it, no idea how and wich is, I just know it exist, I dont have it and I dont know the name. :wink:

Here are some stills from “Die Brücke” (B&W german ww2 film) colorized by me

Nice, imi, I’d loved to see the entire movie colorised.
One thing though, you gave the same guy different eye colors in the first two pics.:wink:

thanks. :slight_smile:
sometimes the angle of the lights make different colors,I use the same palette every time,in double same things.
I can’t colorize the whole film,because I haven’t got any software,(and also the copyrights),this is a very big job.

Can you paste those photos in Imageshack ? for some reason tinypic didnt work in my computer.

here you go

Using Photoshop will yield great results. There are also many tutorials on the web that can lead you step by step through the process. Try They have many tutorials.

Nicely done!

Hello folks, I was just surfing the internet on this subject, came across this thread, and thought I could add to it.
I use a freeware program called Serif PhotoPlus. You can Google Serif and/or PhotoPlus and find the download. There are two ways to colorize, by adding colored layers, or my preference, use the free-drawing tool to outline each seperate part to be colored, then using the Gamma and Color tools to adjust the color in the part just outlined. There’s more, such as blurring, etc, but thats the basic. Below is a link to my Photobucket album… at present I have 190 WWII pics colorized, mostly US Army Air Forces and Navy Aviation, but a few ground pounder things, and a couple of non-US. I would appreciate any feedback on what ya’ll think of them.

OK, says I cannot post a link yet … will try in another post.