How to deal with bullies!5781702/the-ultimate-anti+bullying-psa-kid-fights-back-with-devastating-body-slam

Bully ! That were a goodun’ ! The young man who was assaulted cannot be expected to ignore his attackers forever, at some point enough is enough. Rules are rules, and even though Young Casey has a suspension, he did the right thing in defending himself. The other kid has the life sentence of being the bully having his butt handed to him on World wide video. where I come from, the parents are responsible for the actions of their minor children, and these parents should bear the legal brunt of their son’s juvenile crime.

Hah! That’s not bullying, I went to boarding school, bullying was an art form there.

Watch from 2 mins 35 secs

I was wondering when that video would make its way here…

Always happy to help, and despite the protestations of some it’s actually a BBC real life documentary of British boarding schools.

I once saw a documentary about Colditz, in which a British officer was asked how he coped with it. He said something along the lines “Colditz held no fears for me. I’d been to a British boarding school.”

Sounds about right. We had a thing called ‘the gauntlet’ when I was a junior boy. You had to run down the junior boys corridor and touch the door leading onto the landing. If you made it past the flying rugby boots, cricket balls & bats, hockey sticks etc you were usually left alone for a week. I got within a few meteres before being knocked out by a drawer. I have plenty of stories about boarding school bullying…best days of my life :shock:

I was a day boy, and it wasn’t a boarding school.

Just Christian Brothers, although Christianity and brotherly love (man-boy love apparently was a different issue) wasn’t their strong point.

I had serum (clear fluid, with just a hint of blood) drawn on my hands in Grade 2 from the strap for an offence I didn’t commit. That’s the first time I can recall being strapped, although the nuns prepared us for it in the preceding years in Bubs and Grade 1 by somewhat indiscriminate use of the cane end of feather dusters applied vigorously to the backs of our knees and the palms of our hands. Apart from the old civilian bitch in one of the early grades who used a strap of linoleum. Probably too poorly paid to afford a feather duster and took it out on the students.

After a few of those unjust events I decided that if I was going to be punished for things I didn’t do, I might as well do things that risked punishment. By Grade 4 I couldn’t have given a flying **** how often the bastards hit me. Given the frequency and energy of being strapped, I think the brothers felt the same way.

In a perverse way, I rather enjoyed taunting the bastards and treating their punishments with contempt. Looking back, I suppose it was because I was controlling things (getting belted was usually voluntary as I could have avoided it by behaving better) and treated each unsuccessful attempt to belt me into submission as a victory for me.

I went to an old Christian brothers school, they were evil buggers!

for a minute, I though you meant this Christian Brothers…


If only!