Hungarian Armored vehicles.

I can speak english,german and hungarian.:wink:
Hungarian is a very hard language. :?
And I am hungarian. :smiley:

Hungarian panzers (harckocsik in hungarian :smiley: ):

38M Toldi I-III
Technical datas of the “Toldi”:
8-10t,20 and 40mm gun

Turán I-III
18,2t and 19,2t, 40 and 75mm gun (Turán II-III)

10,5t, 40mm Bofors gun

Zrínyi I-II
21,6t, 10,5 cm gun

Tas (prototipe)
38t,75mm gun

link: (click the english index (Union Jack))

I always like the double purpose Bofors armed Nimrod, the germans had something like that in the Ostwind, but too late in the war and too few of them.

The prototype based on the Swedish constuction, marked L-62 produced in 1939. Usig parts of the Toldi light tank, but the chassis had 5 pairs of smaller wheels, because of this, the chassis became 0,5 m longer. The undercarriage’s springs weren’t strong enough, many failure happened.
The main gun of the big and opened turret was the 40 mm 36M Bofors anti-aircraft gun.
Built: 89

Wow great pics Ostwind! :smiley:


Some great pics of Turan I-II-III:

Zrínyi I-II ( I think the Zrínyi was the best hungarian panzer in the WWII)

More informatian about hungarian panzers:

Another image of the “Tas” heavy tank projekt, the Panther influence is obvious.

I agree–great pics!

For a small country, the Hungarians produced some solid AFV. The Toldi I & II and the Turan I & II were both pretty standard for their time, but the war quickly outgrew them (the Turan II being a “main” battle tank into 1943!).

The Turan III had the makings of a solid AFV. It was a little better than the PzKw IVh, although not much.

The Zrinyi I never saw combat; only a prototype was finished. It was armed with a long barrelled 75mm antitank gun which “…had some problems which it was not possible to solve.” Production was focused on the Zrinyi II which mounted a 105 L/20 howitzer instead and was a formidable AFV. Between 40 and 66 were produced.

I find it interesting that the Nimrod was considered a tank hunter–a task for which it was not well suited. However, it was one of the most successful Hungarian AFV of the war.

I highly recommend, to anyone interested in Hungarian AFV, “The Royal Hungarian Army Vol. I and II” (Niehorster and Mujzer, respectively). Two excellent books on the Hungarian armed forces of WWII. :slight_smile:

Thank´s for the great pics.

Can anybody tell me if a Tas (and the tank destroyer) was built? I do not read hungarian and really want to know…

No, the Tas was not built in either form. The Turan III was in the prototype stage when the war ended. A few of them were built but I don’t believe they were used in combat.

I agree with your opinion on the Zrinyi, it would interesting to read some info on its battle record.
As it was stated, Hungary and to a lesser extent Rumania produced some interesting AFV despite many constraints.
Its always interesting to me to see pics and read about the lesser known AFV’s in WW 2…GREAT THREAD!