Hungarian Military

Anyone got anything. All I know is that even after hungary changed sides, the majority of the Hungarian military stayed with the Axis. Also they were given some Tigers and panthers too.

you have hungarian pics in other military sections of ww2incolor gallery

In this morning I bought “Modelism” magazine. I read an article on Turan Hungarian tanks (based on Czech models).

The hungarians built some really interesting tanks, like the Toldi, the Turan and the Zrimyi. They also built the Csaba armoured car. They employed also german tanks .

If I see good in this pictures Turan looks very good. :wink:

Hey fellows :slight_smile: Can you guys please tell me, what small arms did the Hungarians use in WWII ? I’m most interested in what types of rifles they used ? Anyone have any info or a internet link ? :slight_smile: Thanks in advance !

Mate, there’s a marvellous thing called Google to find basic stuff like this out.

Sigh mate… The reason I posted here is because I already google’d, lycos’ed, yahoo’ed and even kimo’ed, without the result I seek… Can you at least give me a keyword so I can type in google ?

There’s 2 hungarian rifles for you.

Really appreciate your help ! :slight_smile: Thanks so much !!

They used agreat amount of ex austrohungarian equipment.
The helmets, forexample,whereofthe pattern used in the WWI,but later they introduced the german model.
their tanks where copies of the Pz 35 and of swedish models.