Hurricane Reta to hit Texas

As said in the end days that many natural disasters will strike, Hurricane Reta blowing at well over 300 Km and hour , worse and bigger then Hurricane Katrina, is on it’s way heading for Texas.
Will Bush act more responsibly this time ?
Will the civilians be evacuated or will the death toll rise and have a worse scenario then Katrina.
The USA should show the world they can defend their owne country before going into battle with another. (middle-east)

with this disaster, canadian might actually gain from this
Dallas Stars could be moving to any canadian city
and NBA could be back to vancouver

End of Days? Get real Cdo, its a bloody great wind, how can you defend against it?

Or are you somehow trying to say the world is coming to an end and the US is having Hurricanes as a punishment for its involvement in the Middle East?

Australia is also heavily involved in the Middle East, so I assume your expecting some kind of natural disaster to be inflicted on Perth soon?

Comrade Commando…You really are an A-hole. :? Your hate for the US has clouded your small mind. Normal people’s mind’s realize warm water is fueling the hurricane but your small one thinks its biblical. :?

I live right north of Houston, and we’re staying. By the time it reaches Houston it’s supposed to be a category 3. We’ve boarded up all the doors and windows and stocked up of water.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Bah, completely missed the Houston area. The most we got was winds up to 30 mph and a little rain. I slept through most of it.

See my previous posts on Katrina -
Natural disaster, enormous scale, massive logistics task to move that much over so far. Evacuations not Bush’s responsibility or authority, not the end of the world. Next! When it comes to Cdo Jord and the USA, I think Mike M might have a point.

Mike does not only have a point, but he seems to be right on the money.

Glad to hear it was a fizzle for you DerMann all the same.

Can any of the Americans in hurricane prone areas answer me a question question.

Why do most of the houses seem to be built from timber clad softwood frames with shingle roofs? It doesn’t seem to be the most durable of construction types, nor do they seem to be the best materials for keeping cool in summer without spending a fortune on air-conditioning.

I only ask because I recently saw a TV programme on a small tornado that hit the city of Birmingham (UK that is, not Alabama) that compared the effects of a piece of 2x4" timber thrown by 130mph winds against various bulding materials. Obviously reinforced concrete came off best but it was the difference between the American timber frame or lightweight block construction and a single layer of good old Victorian brick (the area in B’ham affected was victorian terraces). The timber projectile just went straight through the American stuff while the brick cracked a bit and spalled on the inside but was not breached. It occured to me that I’d be a bit nervous living in a non-masonary house in an area prone to strong winds.

I know in Galveston they have the houses set on stilts to keep them from getting completely flooded. But you do raise a good point, there should be building regulations on hurricane prone areas. The reason they don’t is probably because it would entail an enormous amount of work.

What the Fuk, firefly, mike M , your both tossers that know nothing and critisize peoples beliefs, GET a life and have some respect, if you want to have a proper arguement instead of your insulting rubbish critisizms then do it in PM. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I have said nothing above in my recent post that is anti-US, BACK OFF.

Original post deleted, as requested by Dani.

New text:

What an unreasonable post to make, Cdo. You’ve obviously failed to take on board anything from the thread on Katrina. You are allowing your furious hatred of the United States to colour your judgement. You also shouldn’t demand respect when you refuse to give it. I thought my original post put this across in a much more concise manner.

Edited a second time to add: You also seem to be from a brand of christianity rather less tolerant than any I have encountered so far, and seeking to inflict those views on the site, rather than enter into any debate on them.

That’s what I like to see a haughty disdain for one’s troubles! How very British of you :shock: !

Can I ask a real MOD to Modify your MOD. I take objection to the way that Cdo tries to use his MOD status to enforce his ideas and beliefs on others.

I also take exception to his foul and abusive language.

Lastly. I am all for having a debate about anything. But not when someone links a nations actions to weather!

As I said before, Australia is heavily involved in Iraq. Have you made preparations to survive the flood that Im sure will hit Perth if your oulandish theory is correct.

Editted to add, please show me where I have criticised your beliefs.

Also, your tone seems to have changed, not still talking regularly on MSN with Erwin by any chance? After all, his DEAL was for you to be a MOD? Power behind the throne and all that?

I know that a few years back Florida building codes were changed and buildings were designed to be much more robust.

I think it was a misunderstanding!

I think that Commando wanted to wrote: “recently” or “in the last days” or something and not “End of Days”.

On the other hand Commando,

The USA should show the world they can defend their owne country before going into battle with another. (middle-east)
sounds to me as a slight anti-american accent.

“Before going into battle” you said. What about NATO back in 1999 bombing Belgrade? What about USSR back in 1980 invading Afghanistan??

I give those extreme examples for highlighting the ideea that for each “going into battle” it was, it is and it will be a reason.

Check the reason for “invading” Iraq (I am not talking about WMD now!)
Check the reason for NATO bombing Serbia.

You agreed with USA’s actions in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm) but you disagree now. I see no reason for your disagreement apart the fact that you are slightly anti-american.

Also I suggest all of you to calm down.

I am calm. I try and think before I post. You will never find me insulting. Also I am sure Cdo meant End of days, the post reads contextually for this to be the case.

Although I respect others beliefs, in turn I expect the same respect from those holding them. That is all I ask for.

Yes,BE CALM,because he is a mod and you are not,he will not do unfair things,but im sure you will be closely watched now.

Inside gen?