Hysteria and Tantrums

I am heading down there tomorrow. Specifically Disney area as I am staying inside the park. I was wondering if there are any good ww2 museums down around that area or anything ww2 related worth seeing around there. I am not looking to drive 6 hours to get to a place but I figured if there is anything close by I’d have to check it out. Anyone know offhand since I think that would totally make my trip far better. :smiley: Thanks all. See you in a week.

I wouldnt know…but while your down there see if you cant teach those people how to vote properly. I know pushing button is all complicated for those people so be patient. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

A large majority are senior citizens. :smiley: It takes them time to get with new technology.

Ok, as many of you already know, Bluffcove has a second account by the alias of CAPSLOCKMAN. I vaguely remember reading that a user of this site is restricted to one account. Should concequences be taken or is it not important enough to do anything? Personally, I think that we should do something because the account was deliberately made to diss IRONMAN (all in caps) and because Bluffcove can be an ass a lot. So imput please? Thank you.

we should take actions.

he did a second account,that isn´t a great problem,but,he did it for joking about IRONMAN.

i vote take actions

I made that rule because of Bluffcove. He apologized for it. No need to get worked up about that one.

This happened along time ago and has been solved. Why bring it up now?

Maybe Tiger found these days the issue.

Yea im assuming that PzKpfw VI Tiger just noticed. Good work on checking that stuff. Keep up the good work. But think its best just to let this one slide. However do report furture occurances as soon as you spot them. Like i explained I made the rule because of Bluffcove and at the sametime I didnt want IRONMAN coming back under a different name. All others have or should have read the rules by now and should know better.

Just recently we have had a couple of additions to the forum, which I can only describe in the above terms.

They post little or absolutely nothing in the WW2 threads and instead seem only to be interested in their own dogmatic agenda.

So have we become a Megnet for the Lunatics…?

And if so, can we amend the rules somehow to ensure that ppl just dont come here and immediately post their madness, I suggest qualification for posting in the off topic and genral posts should be at least 5 posts in other areas concerning ww2 first. Or no one under Cpl etc?

Any ideas?

I think that will just encourage dullards to post mindless crap in the ww2 rooms so that they can post more mindless crap in off-topic.

Can i answer on this question ,maybe you think then i am one of that mad people if you dont think that i apologies ,i speak in my name i always post about ww2 my post are stupid i dont know maybe some ,NOT EVERY maybe you see i am change and i want be friend with anyone on this site i vote yes for your suggestion .

It is already a debate between admins and mods on the issue that maybe it would be better if the posts in Off-topic and Site Issues section not to be counted.

Edited: Any ideea is welcome, anyway!!!

No I dont mean you. At least you make am effort to join in.

I thought that’s what the OFF TOPIC board was for…for posting things that are OFF TOPIC. Reading a few in this column I see.

  1. Drinking
  2. Fav. Car
  3. Sports you Watch
  4. Paintball Guns
  5. Fav. Songs
  6. Poll: Your fav. Letter

Why do you NOW have a problem with something OFF TOPIC? IM new here but I think if people don’t want to read a post they wont read it. The mouse is in your control, don’t click on the post if you don’t want to read it.

This I added with edit: I think people should be required to post, Location, Ocupation and Interests in profile.

oooo man american know alot of ways to kill people. They know more than anyother country, but they say they are a peaceful country. LIE

I have a request to all other users. Until his banning please do not respond or argue with this pathetic loser.
Thanks a lot!

This I added with edit: I think people should be required to post, Location, Ocupation and Interests in profile.

Mike, although you’re suggestion is a nice idea in principle, for some of us (namely some of the brits who are in HM Forces) it isn’t practical due to OPSEC, can’t realy be giving personal details away especially with the current situation.

I dont mind off topic, its the deliberate trolling posters whose only reason to come here is to make a statement and are clearly not interested in the rest of it.

Has anyone seen Erwins invited guest Irish_Duck since the malvinas thread got blocked or Fareast since that Japan thread went tits up? nope didnt think so.

What about recent forum members, if you search their posts using hte search function you will find chronologically that htey are not joining threads or contributing to discussions but starting their own threads with hteir own agendas, one in particular threatened baltic stability in the Forum.

I read the WW2 threads in order to learn, fortunatelyi can quickly dismiss most posts in those threads as they are Bone and dullard written, I do no t post there because I either agree and dont need to voice my opinion or because I do not know enoughregarding a topic to be able to contribute, I do feel the need to jusify my only poisting in off topic because Im certain “one of ourt members” would have mentioned it if I hadnt.

finally: Humour and sarcasm - It is big, it is clever.