I am a liar

In the war in Iraq thread I lied several times
1.) I’ve been there once to vist the base
2.)When my friend was blown up by the IED I saw a video feed
3.)I’m not a Sergeant I’m a Corperal

My brother owns the company I just co-own It so I am a corperal

Give me a break. Military contractors don’t have ranks, and there is no way on earth that:

  1. The co-owner of any military contractor would be a corporal, or even do the equivalent job
  2. Even if you were a Corporal, I simply don’t believe that you would be unable to spell it.

The earlier episode of Walting it up I can perhaps accept and ignore - you wouldn’t be the first person on here to act like that, nor the first to be exposed. However, further tosh like the above will see you being shown the door very, very quickly.

If your in a hole the suggestion is to stop digging it deeper and get out while you still can.

Adults know that. Children don’t.

The correct title for this thread is “I am a liar and a fool”.

Your homepage is called ‘Mercenary 101’ - one of the more waltish titles I have seen.

Not only is that some of the worst prepubescent scribbling I have seen, it can also get you into very deep kak.


Your bigotry and indoctrination exceed your tenuous grasp of history.

[quote="“Sgt Mitty on 11 Sep 07 at 1551 hrs”"]

Your not wrong. Mabey I should have thought before I spoke.

and Ijust found out that I voted Russians. I thought I clicked on somting eslse like Americans.

Sorry Igor and Kovalski[/quote]Link

“somting eslse like Americans.”[sic]
So, not Americans then, but something akin to them. What would you suggest ?
Your lack of attention to detail, and to a lesser extent your spelling, would indicate you do not have the ability to pass a number of the practical and written cses reqd for promotion to SNCO.


There are words here that any sldr would spell correctly, dyslexia or not, due to having seen them countless times.
You comment on the characteristics of a weapon you have never handled, much less shot, did it not occur to you that there would be adults here that have ?
Your inability to distinguish between different weapon types proves that you have never even been a recruit, much less a SNCO.

Your father is either Dorian Gray or you aren’t as old as you have since tried to suggest.

I know I collect them for my job. You should check out the Iraq Thread and see some of the wepons I took of of dead Iraqi soldiers[/quote]Link

Do the words ‘pants on fire’ mean anything to you ?



You’re getting on my nerves now boy, you couldn’t lie straight in bed !


Paradoxically this is the first true statement you have written.

You, old son, are a walt and/or a compulsive liar.

You are attempting to ride on the coat tails of men braver than you will ever be, many of whom have given their lives for their friends.

You are in effect pissing on their graves.
That is far, far worse than just being the class liar, you make me sick.

Be thankful that PDF is one of the most laid back blokes on the site and hasn’t laid into your thick skull with a track pin.
Your father would be deeply shocked and saddened if he were to learn about the way you have dishonoured his name and worse yet, dishonoured the memory of dead sldrs.

Now double away you pathetic creature !

Hmm, as serving military myself I feel let down here by Mr Dorr. Which has sadly brought me to my first ever infraction point.

I dont like lies at the best of times but Cuts has definitely pointed out the error of your ways on this site.

If you dont like it, feel free to PM Dani or Gen Sandworm.

I am an easy going Mod here but sometimes ppl can go too far.


Im not happy but at least you admitted it!

I am not happy that I gave an infraction without a warning. Sorry about that. However if you do want to appeal against it, please feel free to do so.

We Mods are not Gods and I have been scolded for it. Hey I was wrong and I admit it. Something you should do and stay here without predudice.
