I feel sick!

I read the following quote this morning over breakfast and abandoned breakfast after the second paragraph, before I decided not to read the rest of the much longer article after the end of the quote because what I read had already sickened me enough.

Leaving aside all the serious and delicate considerations, including the fact that some people who have been abused go on to be abusers (but most don’t), and without getting all vengeful and hysterical about death penalties and so on, I think there is a solid and unchallengeable argument that the good of the human species dictates that such people should be removed from the gene pool by killing the bastards at every opportunity.

Face haunts pedophile-busters

Michael McKenna | March 08, 2008

IT’S a face that haunts police around the world.

A young girl, probably now nine, who has grown up from infancy on film - thousands of pictures and movies shot of her being molested by an abuser who then shared the images with a network of like-minded internet pedophiles.

As a two-year Queensland-led investigation culminated last weekend with the arrest of 22 people in eight countries, the relief and celebration at busting one of the world’s longest-running and most sophisticated internet pedophile rings was muted by the knowledge that the girl was still out of reach of protection.

Despite the best efforts of Task Force Argos, the Queensland Police Service’s much-lauded child sex unit, and their international counterparts, including the FBI, there are only two things the investigators know about the girl: the country in which she lives and that she is now in real danger.

It is a terrifying truth that yesterday choked up one of Queensland’s most case-hardened policemen.

The Argos chief, Detective Superintendent Peter Crawford, briefly excused himself from his office during an interview when asked about the girl - a “collector’s item” for pedophiles who prize the series that captured her abuse over possibly seven years.

“It is obviously distressing for police to see a young child abused and continued to be abused over a long period of time and not be able to identify or remove them from harm,” he later said.

“Some of these people are collectors, they want a whole series of a particular child growing up, being abused.”

One of Crawford’s inspectors, Jon Rouse, who led the investigation - codenamed Operation Achilles - is blunt about her possible fate.

“The thing is the offender knows we are closing in, we are very worried about her safety,” he said.


These people, repeat abusers of young children, should be castrated…

You’re too kind.

I’d kill the bastards.

Damnit, whats up these people

I agree…sometimes I think we give the death penalty to the wrong ppl…take these bastards out back … 2 in the head…the world is a better place. Although in some cases having them sent to prison and molested for a period of years works to…then 2 in the head for good measure.

I have more sympathy for ppl that do bestiality and snuff films then these sick perverts. (BTW if your not aware of the words above … I wouldnt suggest looking into them)

I dont want to get to off topic but most countries have a “No cruel and unusual punishment rule” but in some cases I almost wish there could be exceptions for those who deal out cruel and unusual crimes against others. JMO

A friend of mine works for the police, tracking down this sort of person on the internet. They’re only allowed to work half the time on this sort of thing because the images are just so disturbing. He did tell us something about the psychological effects on the children involved once, and suddenly there were a lot of twitching trigger fingers in the room. Stories like that just don’t begin to cover it…

Agreed!! time to quit playing silly games with these people, and make it impossible for them to re-offend. the following are available in two sizes, for obvious purpose. Perhaps equally effective, would be to pour some bacon fat on their privates, and stake them for the Dingos to find…

I still think castrating them (without anesthesia), then letting them live would be even worse…

I think putting them in a enclosed room with slow and painful (human) gas, in other words “A Human gas torture chamber” that smells like rotten eggs and crap

I think that the worst what can happen to a pedophile is what the fellow cellmates are going to do with him, when they find out that he is in fact a one. In most of such cases that took place in polish prisons, the cellmates had already knew about his crimes a long before the pedophile arrived to their prison.

In the U.S. if a pedophile is sent to prison, the guards let the rest know who it is, and the last thing one wants to be in prison is someone who messes with kids. there will be no mercy, and the authorities will not help, beyond putting them in solitary. Eventually they are released, and will be killed soon after.
When Jeffrey Dahmer was imprisoned for for his crimes, torture and murder of young males,he was put in the seclusion area, and given 1 hour a day out of his cell. after a year or so, he was put into the general population, and was killed the next day.
Oddly, it seems that the American Justice system does work after a fashion.

I don’t agree with paedophiles or anyone else being punished or killed by prisoners or such action being permitted by warders, a good number of whom are just as crooked as the people they guard, and worse. At least prisoners don’t abuse their position in gaol to make money from betraying their office and not performing their duty. Drugs and other contraband don’t get into prison by air drop.

Prisoners assaulting or killing paedophiles is just as much a crime as what the paedophiles do to children, and would rightly provoke demands for a criminal prosecution if it was done to you in the street.

I find it disgusting that, for example, some arsehole who’s buggered up people’s lives by shoving a gun in their face to take their money without working is suddenly a hero for bashing up someone who has more of a psychiatric or genetic problem than just being a thug who won’t work for a living.

If the state isn’t prepared to impose the penalty, then nobody else should. Otherwise it’s the law of the jungle. Which is exactly what you get in prisons. Which is why sending people to prison often makes them worse rather than better. I’m actually in favour of reforming prisons so that, among other things, prisoners and warders can’t prey on other prisoners.

As long as we keep consigning people to prison in the nudge-nudge wink-wink knowledge that the normal social and legal rules don’t apply there because a lot of the prisoners and warders are marginally above the level of apes, we’re going to keep producing ex-prisoners who come out worse than they went in and with a greater resentment of the nudge-nudge wink-wink society that condoned or, mostly, didn’t care about their mistreatment. That’s our fault, not theirs.

My position with extreme paedophiles is that some gross offences are just so far off the scale of understandable or acceptable behaviour, like the one with the nine year old girl in my OP, that the state should get over its squeamishness about getting rid of people who are a waste of food and space and just execute the bastards. Some people’s conduct simply forfeits the right to consideration as a human being, regardless of the misfortunes which got them to that position.

If there are people who, like me when I’m being very rational and balanced, still have reservations about such punishments for various moral and practical reasons, not the least of which is the occasional wrong guilty verdict, then at the very least it should be a life sentence.

Some people’s conduct makes them too much of a threat to society to allow them back into it. Heavyweight paedophiles are the worst of the lot as they are leopards who will NEVER change their spots and will invariably reoffend. So if they can’t be killed, at least keep them off the streets, forever.

This is true. Perhaps all pedo-bears should be put in general population with tattoos on their forehead so they can be used as perpetual sodomy-bags?

Doesn’t that make the people who root them no better, if not worse, than their victims?

Seriously, what sort of man rapes another man by shoving his dick forcibly up another bloke’s arse?

See how you’d like that, in or out of prison

In prison, you can get raped just because you’re an average bloke and he’s a big fucker with a big dick and no brains in your cell, while you’re doing seven days for a minor traffic matter.

Name one bloke you know who’s raped another bloke who you think has done something commendable in raping the other bloke. Or just name any bloke you know who’s raped another bloke, or just fucked another bloke up the arse. It isn’t that common, is it?

Nobody I know who is worth food would do it to another bloke, any more than blokes who do it to children.

If it’s such a great idea, all members who want to fuck another bloke up the arse because he did it to a child, enter your names here.

I expect that space to remain permanently blank, for reasons I hope I don’t have to explain.

Why not target pieces of shit who shove guns in the faces of some poor bastard trying to make a living whose day’s earnings are taken away by some turd who’s going to stick his dick in a paedophile’s arse? If this gangbanger is such a hero, why complain about him fucking up your life and family by robbing your store?

How proud of yourself would you be of sticking a gun in the face of a sixty year old woman behind the counter in a liquour store for a couple of hundred bucks and ending up in gaol and showing what a big man you are by sticking your dick up some bloke’s arse as one of the eight or twelve blokes in the queue who say you’re doing it for justice after a couple of years in the slammer with no women.


I’m not condemning nor approving such kind of “punishment”. Just saying how it used to be in prisons.
Generally, I don’t like the idea of raping anybody.
I’m not sure if I would like these guys to be executed. I think that it would be a way too nice end for them. I would prefer to see them them suffer, really suffer, till the end of their days.
Still I haven’t figured out the best way to treat them.

Bieng made to watch the same episode of Barney the purple dinosaur 24/7 while writing Im sorry notes each one different from the other. That oughta get em.