I hate skinheads

first off what brought this on was today i was watchn tv when a documentery about the nazis in america came on and at one of their little rallies they carried a confederate flag which got me thinking these idiots have not the slightest idea of history i mean do they not know that that 65,000 blacks were in the confederate army? do they not know that the first jewish cabnet member in north america was confederate sec of state judah benjamin? do they not know of that the senators of LA and FL were jewish? or have they not heard of the jewish confederate army units? or the indian, and hispanic ones for that matter? it just makes mad when these idiots wave the st. andrews while preaching their fucktard rhetoric and it pisses me off even more about the swastika when they say oh but were celebrating our heritage as whites…bull shit because A its germanic yes which means its a symbol of germanic heritage not those douches B even germans in general dont worship the damn thing which leads me to say dang i hate skins

I understand that. And agree.

I didn’t actually read the original thread, but if Churchill agrees then I agree too!

You’re awfully trusting Herman, maybe you should read it too.

Hatred is a very strong emotion. Perhaps your description of your feelings towards Skinheads is exagerated?

Besides, shaven heads are quite popular in England these days, helps to conceal the signs of aging.

As for the Swastika:

The swastika (from Sanskrit svastika) is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing (卐) form or its mirrored left-facing (卍) form. Archaeological evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments dates from the Neolithic period and was first found in the Indus Valley Civilization of the Indian Subcontinent. It occurs today in the modern day culture of India, sometimes as a geometrical motif and sometimes as a religious symbol; it remains widely used in Eastern and Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

Despite this usage, the symbol has become stigmatized and to some extent taboo in the Western world because of its iconic usage by Nazi Germany, and it has notably been outlawed in Germany if used as a symbol of Nazism (usage of the sign by religious groups is tolerated). Many modern political extremists and neo-nazi groups such as Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and Russian National Unity use stylised swastikas or similar symbols.

In my opinion, the ‘enemy’ is not the low-brow fanatic that carries out mindless and inhuman acts against his fellow man - be he Skinheaded Facist or Hirsute Islamist - but those who would manipulate and condition the minds of said fanatics to fullfil their own ambitions for power.

As for usurping the flag. because of the nationalstic tricks these groups play, they tend to promote themselves as being the defenders of tradtion, culture and flag.

In my opinion, if there is to be a scurge against these groups, it ought to be directed at the non-public faces of their leadership who mastermind their activities.

However, as most of us appear to live in democracies, that is unlikely to happen. :lol:

and those non-public managers migh hide inside…official anti-extremists organisation.This is quite complicated situation with Nationalistic organisation and “their actions” and attacks…Real and virtual…
I’ve read a story how the some group had simulated an …“skinhead’s attack” on synagogue in Moscow becouse they wanted to make the russian gov to bann the entire list of patriotic organisation.They blame those organisation in …propogand of “extremism”. However the official investigation has cleared out that the young man , the supposed “skinhead” , was specially admitted and directed to synagogy by their own guard service.
The quite dirty story , that depicts indeed what is going on in mass media.

However, as most of us appear to live in democracies, that is unlikely to happen. :lol:

Ahh , you are so optimistic:)
You don’t probably heard how easy the ultra-extremist ogranisatiuons ( or ordinary criminal gang ) might to capture the power in any democracy during say… the serious social catastrophe, natural disasters or economic collaps.
I heard during the last new orlean flood there were real anarchy in some areas for a certain time.

Moscow Tea-party? :slight_smile:

Ahh , you are so optimistic:)
This is very true.

You don’t probably heard how easy the ultra-extremist ogranisatiuons ( or ordinary criminal gang ) might to capture the power in any democracy during say… the serious social catastrophe, natural disasters or economic collaps.
I heard during the last new orlean flood there were real anarchy in some areas for a certain time.

Al Capone?

Thusydides has something to say about the social breakdown of Athens as early as the 5th Century B.C. following a plague.

Thucydides stated that people ceased fearing the law since they felt they were already living under a death sentence. Likewise people started spending money indiscriminately. Many felt they would not live long enough to enjoy the fruits of wise investment, while some of the poor unexpectedly became wealthy by inheriting the property of their relatives. It is also recorded that people refused to behave honourably because most did not expect to live long enough to enjoy a good reputation for it.

Post-WW1 Germany offers a fine example of how criminal and extreme political organisations…who are usually best placed to…leap into the power vacuum left by economic and social collapse. One only has to look about today to see many examples of this in many parts of the world, not least, Iraq and Afghanistan.