I hear crickets

Absolutely dead! 8)

I really don’t understand. :lol:
It is too hot there?
Come to Eastern Europe! I think that at -20 to -25 Celsius right now you will be calm down instantly! :wink:

I think that he want to say that there is less activity in this forum, but only is my opinion. :roll:

Well I must say that it is dead here now. Where is everyone? I only see a few members on during the whole time I am on and it is hours that I spend on the net.

Did all the other members internet brake or did there PC also give up? Most unlikely.


Yes, not very much members online these days.

I’m sure it’ll pick up soon!

I hope so.


Forum activity is a function of sine. :smiley:

When did we start to lose members being online, these days?

The forum is always up and down! Just wait well get a IRONMAN member soon that will stir things up!

For those of you who dont know who the classic hall of fame flamer IRONMAN was here is a rundown


The forum is always up and down! Just wait well get a IRONMAN member soon that will stir things up!

For those of you who dont know who the classic hall of fame flamer IRONMAN was here is a rundown


I see Erwin is in there too! :lol:


Erwin also claims to have done his national service with the Argie “Commando’s”, which presumably involved Latin/South American themed commando tests, including the “Tight White shirt commando challenge” the “Moped Tarzan Course”, “The Nine whore speed shag”, “The hairstyle endurance course” and, most gruelling of all “The 30 Marlboro”. And last but certainly not least, the mass, synchronised comedy martial arts display in skin-tight DPM with yellow cravat and mirror shades.

All statements above are true, matbe we should get away from the ‘what if the Nazis had developed this or that weapon’ and concentrate on the actualities of WW2.

And so many members that join, don’t even post anything. I wonder why? :?

lol! Now boy is IRONMAN famous :lol:, he made it as far as that website!

much agreed

Well Firefly it is a forum and not just what some people want it to be or be only what they think. Everyone can say what they think about something and to think a what if is not a sin, but to put down something that someone said is just not right or to make your opinion law or the right thing just makes people sick and they loose interest.

I am not saying that they can not take someone else opinion, but you will also get sick of it and pissed after a wile.

How would you like it if someone just say bullshit to everything you say the whole time?

Think about it and you will get your answer why people are not posting now, but this will still be like my home and I will still post here and no one will stop it.


I can hear Radio Waves in my head…

Meaning what? You mad or what mate?


I’m trying hard to post here as a newbie. I have almost a 40-post per day count at another site. :smiley:

Once I made “Sergeant,” I noticed I dropped off quite a bit…

Meaning what? You mad or what mate?


It’s ok Topor, I too hear The Voices