I need your help

Well lads I need your help here, this young fellow has quit a nasty view of soldiers and why soldiers do what they do. This young lad posted this on my personal blog and I would like to give him a sound verbal beating. If any one would like to respond to this please feel free to do so.
My blog address http://thetrenchline.blogspot.com/

Rugby Guy said…
The Canadian touch thing is bull. Poets, politicians, student organizers, reporters, etc won us the rights described, not soldiers. Soldiers take orders from the powers that be and have usually fought to stop the advancement of individual freedoms that limit the power of the ruling elite.
You might claim soldiers defended those rights in WWII but that’s about it. Other wars were more about imperialism than my rights and freedoms.
The current war in Afghanistan is a waste of good young people who wish to serve Canada and the world by doing something important. However as usual they are being used to promote interests that it is not politically correct to talk about. (The blood lust of Harper and the Canadian military command)

What exactly you do not like in his respoce?

I just don’t have the energy! Sorry.

Is this men the ultra left-wing extremists?
Or ulrta-right?:wink:
Thw straggle agains rulling elite that wish to limit our freedom?
May be he is anarchists;)
It seems he something right.

Dutch Knight please change your avatar to a ww2 related one. Thanks.

My apologies, I have changed my avatar
