Iconic photo (col.) - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Iconic photo (col.)

U.S. Army Sgt. Angelo Klonis photographed during the Saipan campaign by LIFE photographer W. Eugene Smith. version of the B&W original on this site: http://www.ww2incolor.com/us-marines/marine.html

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/45597/iconic-photo-(col.)

Order of Battle, Battle of Saipan: 2nd Marine Div, 4th Marine Div and 27th Inf Div. The 27th was originally a National Guard Div from New York.

The b & w version was discussed a while ago.Comment from rudeerude at that time:

he was a Greek American by the name of Angelo Klonis; see ANGELO KLONIS: The Real-Life Story of an Army Soldier Turned American Icon by Mary Virginia Swanson- The Digital Journalist its a good read.
Comment from myself then:
Sadly Angelo Klonis died in 1989 without ever seeing the photo’s of himself.Photo’s that became famous,just like the one of the smoking german during the battle of the bulge.