Ideas for improving the site?

I’d like to hear from you guys on ways I can improve the website. I am not talking about this forum, I am talking about the photo gallery that you see on the homepage. Do you guys look at the photos or do you just mainly post in this forum? What are some features you’d like to see?

I would enlarge the videos download page, creating specific sections for every military as you did for the the pictures.

There is no need that every video is filmed in colour, b/w would be fine too.
I can help , I have tons of videos in my hard disk, Cds and Dvds, just give me a call about what you need.


  • More compact design: it takes so much scrolling to see all the photos on a page. Or if you’re watching one particular photo, you only see a top of it, and once again, you have to scroll just to see it.

  • Photos are so small, how about showing them in their original size.

  • Tagging all the photos properly (for a search) would be great, but requires a hell of a lot work.

  • Some of the ads are so totally unrelated that it’s embarrassing / disturbing.


Yea, im working on some ideas for the video page.

Thanks for your feedback. Okay, so you are saying that the photos listed here, for example, cause you to scroll down too much? Perhaps, instead of 3 rows of photos, we could limit them to 2 rows per page?

I’m doing some experiments for tagging (as you can see on some of the photos), but as you know, it’s nearly impossible for me to personally go to each photo and tag them properly. the only other way to do this is by opening them up for the public to tag them, but then we’d be dealing with spelling mistakes and people improperly giving them a tag they don’t need. I think doing some basic pre-made tags that the user can select would work, but not sure how to compile taht database of tags. the other idea is to have a select group of people man each album (e.g. german album, air force, etc) and come up with a unified way that all the photos can use the same tags if they require them.

the ads are a problem, I know, but people aren’t making any donations, so not sure how else to handle it. I have a $200 bill that needs to be paid every month.

btw, this site gets more traffic than Barnes and Noble…just passed them a few days ago…cool if you know what BarnesandNoble is…but not cool if you don’t:)

Thanks for the ideas, guys.

Hmmm… maybe you can sell more stuff like Tshirts, mugs, books (we passed B und N after all:)) that kind of stuff?

I would love a ww2incolor tshirt

Quality framed WWIIincolor Photos?

A search option would be nice too if there already isnt one. (for the photos)

I like the idea about the framed ww2incolor photos, again a gift shop of some sort, and for the photos maybe have a mini slideshow of the top ten rated or view (your pick) photos

How about selling DVD’s from Nara?

I guess you can do the giftshop thing on Yahoo shop or somthing like like that.

This may sound complicated(it works on another forum I’m on), but, you make a shop. This is an in-forum only shop. You can buy stuff(like weapons or armour or such things) buy paying “money”. You get money by posting. Every post is 5 bucks, and the anti-cheat thing is that spam posts don’t count. I guess the equivilent here would be the Off-Topic Board. I don’t know :rolleyes: , the first weapon for say, 100 bucks could be a Luger, or Colt 45. Just a suggestion that I thought was kind of fun on the other forum.

do you mean real weapons?

Like, what do you mean? People would buy real ones, like MP44s, K98 Snipers, Thompson Machine Guns, or even Planes, Tanks, and/or ships/submarines.

To represent the weapon the person bought, you have a small cartoon image of what they bought.

I think i know what he means, I think he is trying to say that when you post you get points or i will call it “ww2credits” then you buy items with your make believe money for a symbol representing a weapon, armor, plane, and even armored trains. The more points you get the more things you can buy. Here is an example: say you just got on to this site and you posted 50 times which gives you I dont know 50 points (get 1 point each post) he can buy a small cheap weapon like the lugar and take PK for example, with all his posts he can get a Tiger tank. Something like that Churchill or did i just destroy what you were trying to say

That sounds like an awful lot to ask for Gen.Sandworm and admin.

No, that’s right. Though, with one point a post, you wouldn’t have very many weapons bought. Five points a post worked fine at the other forum, but its your call. It might be(and probably is) a hard thing to do. I don’t know, I was just suggesting this.